The faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences is one of the youngest faculties at the Belarusian State University (BSU). Its history starts on March 1, 1999 when the Academic Council of BSU decided to restructure the Faculty of Philosophy and Economics into two independent faculties: Faculty of Economics and the Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences. However the traditions of research and education in the field Philosophy and Humanities have been laid down since the first days of the establishment of BSU. As far back as in 1921 the Faculty of Social Sciences started to train students in Philosophy, Sociology and other Humanities. When in 1949 the division of Philosophy was formed at the Faculty of History the teaching became more systematic. However systematic and professional training in the field of Philosophy, Sociology, Psychology and other Social Sciences began in 1989 when the Faculty of Philosophy and Economics was founded (it existed as an integral structure till March 1, 1999).
By the end of the 1990s there was such an increased and targeted interest among young people towards Philosophy, Psychology, Sociology and Communications that the admission rate became one of the most competitive at the university. This was to the advantage of the newly formed faculty as it could work as effectively and efficiently as before, keeping its traditions and experience.
Our faculty is essentially directed towards the origins of knowledge in Philosophy and Humanities, yet it is young and future-oriented.