Легчилин Анатолий Александрович

Anatoli A. Liahchylin

Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor

Lyahchylin Anatoliy has more then 100 publications, which cover different range of historical-philosophical problems. It includes knowledge of philosophical systems as West-European thinkers, as representatives of native philosophical traditions. Among recent list of publications for 2004 - 2009 years, the following works should be mentioned:

Publications (in Russian):

  1. Modern analysis of teaching of history of philosophy / Innovative methods of teaching the humanities: the materials of scientific methodological conference. - Minsk, 2004.
  2. The process of Globalization and alternatives of social history in the beginning of XXI century as a subject of philosophical historical reflection / ХХI century: topical problems of historical science: the materials of scientific methodological conference. - Minsk, 2004.
  3. Christianityand Ancient philosophy / Saint Michael Readings "Orthodoxy and modernity": papers and theses. Part 2. - Minsk, 2004.
  4. Philosophical Dictionary / Edited by V.F. Berkov, U.A. Harin (40 articles) - Minsk, 2003.
  5. Main problems of philosophy of the Middle Ages. Main philosophical ideas of Renaissance culture / Philosophy: Tutorial for students of highest educational establishments / Y.S. Yaskevich, U.U. Gafanova, V.S. Vyazovkin and others. - Minsk, 2004.
  6. Problems of justification in history of philosophy / Messenger of Kiev National University. Philosophy. Politology. № 64-65, 2004.
  7. Orthodoxy and its role in modern confessional Belarusian sociaty / Eastern Christian civilization and problems of interregional interaction. Minsk, 2004. P. 263-272.
  8. Scientific knowledge - Scientific knowledge - epistemological discourse of educational philosophy / Messenger of the Belarusian State Agricultural Academy. Научное знание - эпистемологический дискурс просветительской философии 2003, № 4, P. 85-87.
  9. To philosophizeconcretely(experience of independent student work at history of philosophy) / Controlled independent student work: state and perspectives: matelials of the 2-nd scientific methodological conference. материалы Minsk, 2005.
  10. Non-creativity / Creation. Philosophy. Art. Material of scientific practical conference. 18-20-th of April. Minsk, 2005.
  11. Logical methodological research in Belarus of XX century: development and evolution of paradigmatic basics / Philosophers of XX century: V. Stepin. Materials of Republican readings. Minsk, 2005. P. 21-23.
  12. Philosophical basics of creativity / Experience. Methodology. Reflection. Materials of international scientific conference. Minsk, 2005.
  13. About professional oriented work on the faculry of Philosophy and Social Sciences of the Belarusian State University / Regional sociology: state, problems, perspectivas. Materials of international scientific conference. Gorki, 2005.
  14. Reception of ideas of I. Kant in Belarus in the first half of XIX century / Philosophy of Kant and modernity. Materials of international scientific conference. Minsk, 2005.
  15. Native philosophical thought in the context of "german influence" / Dialog of cultures and perspectives of social cultural globalization in modern world. Digestofscientificarticles. Minsk, 2005.
  16. Reception of Kant's philosophy in Belarus and Lithuania in the first third of the nineteenth century / Kant between East and West.: Proceedings of the international seminar and an international conference, devoted to the 200th anniversary of Kant death and the 280th anniversary of Immanuel Kant. In 2 parts. Kaliningrad.P.1 .- 2005,. 87-97
  17. Youthandwisdominphilosophy / A Teacher and a student: characteristics of dialogue in the teaching of humanities. Materials of the III scientific method. Conf. Minsk, 2006.
  18. Medieval and RenaissancePhilosophy / Philosophy. Textbook. Minsk: RIVSH, 2006. S. 76-96.
  19. Reception of Kant's philosophy in Belarus and Lithuania (the first third of the XIX century). / Philosophy of Immanuel Kant (Past and Present), Omsk, 2006.
  20. Legal nihilism in the structure of legal socialization of students / socialization of university youth. Materials of scientific Conf.Gorki, 2006
  21. Methodological discourse of philological tradition in Belarus / Nomen: Digest of scientific works in philosophical and social sciences. Edition 6, Minsk, 2006.
  22. The average student - is modern university student / Conditionand mechanisms of ensuring high quality of training specialists in humanities. Proc.IVscientific.method.Conf.Minsk, 2007.
  23. The main problems of philosophy of Middle Ages and Renaissance / Philosophy. Textbook for students. 2nd ed. Minsk, 2007.
  24. Art and philosophy: the necessity of interaction / Art and Philosophy: Proceedings of International scientific Conf. , devoted to the 100th anniversary of Jean-Pierre Sartre and Levinas, E.. Minsk, 2007
  25. Paradigmatic space of modern philosophy / curriculum for undergraduates in the specialty "Philosophy". Minsk, 2007
  26. Specifics of philosophical tradition in Belarus / Modern society as problematic field of social sciences. Materials of International scientific conf. Minsk, 2007
  27. Specifics of national identity in an era of globalization / Psychosocial adaptation in transforming society: Materials of IIIntern.scient.Conf.Minsk, 2007
  28. About conceptual approaches to the standard of new generation of the first stage of education in specialty "Philosophy" / Strategic orientation of teaching in modern world. Abstracts of the 5th scientific-methodical conference. Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences of the BSU. Minsk, 2008.
  29. Methodological aspects of teaching rhetoric as Inventions / Problems of teaching logics and disciplines of logical cycle: Intern.scient.Conf. Kiev, 2008.
  30. Development of logic in Belarus / Historical logical research: collection of scientific articles. Kiev, 2008
  31. The phenomenon of "mass" in condition of commercialization / Kultura a rynek. Tom II. Lublin, 2008.
  32. The main problems of the philosophy of the Middle Ages. The main philosophical ideas in the culture of the Renaissance / Philosophy: Textbooks for High Schools. 3rd ed. Minsk, 2008
  33. Basic curicculum in specialty of historical and philosophical cycle for students of cpecialty 1-210201 "Philosophy" / Minsk, BSU, 2008.
  34. Educational standard. Higher Education. specialty 1-210201 "Philosophy" / RIVSH, Minsk, 2008.
  35. Tolerance and Education / The principle of tolerance and its application in the modern educational process. Materials of6thscientificmethod. Conf.Minsk, 2009.
  36. Platform "Dialogue Eurasia" / Sociology, № 1, 2009
  37. J. Perelman theory of argumentation as an innovative basis for training courses / Communication in social and humanities, economics and education. Proceedings of the international scientific conference. Minsk, 2008.
  38. EWSand SRWS: possible ways of cooperating / Problems of organization of educational practice and research work of students: Materials of VIIScientificConferenceFFSSBSU.Minsk,2009.
  39. The problem of dialogue in contemporary culture: the social and ethical contexts / Philosophy and Social Sciences № 1, 2010.
  40. The place and the role of logic as an academic discipline in education / problems of teaching of logic and disciplines of logical cycle: IV International scientific-practical conference: Papers and presentations. Kiev, 2010.
  41. Dialogue of cultures in the context of a globalizing world / Philosophy and rationality in culture of globalizing world: proceedings of the international scientific conference. Minsk, 2009.
  42. History of philosophy: a workshop for students of the faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences, spec. "Philosophy" / Minsk:BSU, 2009.
  43. Methodological aspects of teaching rhetoric as elocution / Problems of teaching of logic. Kiev. 2010.
  44. International conference on the topic "Philosophy and the rationality in the culture of globalizing world" / Messenger of the BSU, ser.3, 2010, № 1,. 101-102.
  45. Specifics of national identity / Social and humanitarian in the context of globalization: Proceedings of international scientific Conf.Gorky, 2011.
  46. Development of logic in Belarus: historical and philosophical essay / Philosophy and Social Sciences № 1, 2011.

Publications (in English):

  1. The Specificity of the National Identity in the Epoch of Globalization / Limes, 2008. Vol. №2. Vilnius.

Publications (in German):

  1. Die rezeption der philosophie I. Kants in Belarus und Litauen im ersten drittel des XIX Iahrhunderts / Kant zwisehen Westund Ost. Kaliningrad? 2004.