Anatoli A. LiahchylinCandidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor
Lyahchylin Anatoliy has more then 100 publications, which cover different range of historical-philosophical problems. It includes knowledge of philosophical systems as West-European thinkers, as representatives of native philosophical traditions. Among recent list of publications for 2004 - 2009 years, the following works should be mentioned:
Publications (in Russian):
- Modern analysis of teaching of history of philosophy / Innovative methods of teaching the humanities: the materials of scientific methodological conference. - Minsk, 2004.
- The process of Globalization and alternatives of social history in the beginning of XXI century as a subject of philosophical historical reflection / ХХI century: topical problems of historical science: the materials of scientific methodological conference. - Minsk, 2004.
- Christianityand Ancient philosophy / Saint Michael Readings "Orthodoxy and modernity": papers and theses. Part 2. - Minsk, 2004.
- Philosophical Dictionary / Edited by V.F. Berkov, U.A. Harin (40 articles) - Minsk, 2003.
- Main problems of philosophy of the Middle Ages. Main philosophical ideas of Renaissance culture / Philosophy: Tutorial for students of highest educational establishments / Y.S. Yaskevich, U.U. Gafanova, V.S. Vyazovkin and others. - Minsk, 2004.
- Problems of justification in history of philosophy / Messenger of Kiev National University. Philosophy. Politology. № 64-65, 2004.
- Orthodoxy and its role in modern confessional Belarusian sociaty / Eastern Christian civilization and problems of interregional interaction. Minsk, 2004. P. 263-272.
- Scientific knowledge - Scientific knowledge - epistemological discourse of educational philosophy / Messenger of the Belarusian State Agricultural Academy. Научное знание - эпистемологический дискурс просветительской философии 2003, № 4, P. 85-87.
- To philosophizeconcretely(experience of independent student work at history of philosophy) / Controlled independent student work: state and perspectives: matelials of the 2-nd scientific methodological conference. материалы Minsk, 2005.
- Non-creativity / Creation. Philosophy. Art. Material of scientific practical conference. 18-20-th of April. Minsk, 2005.
- Logical methodological research in Belarus of XX century: development and evolution of paradigmatic basics / Philosophers of XX century: V. Stepin. Materials of Republican readings. Minsk, 2005. P. 21-23.
- Philosophical basics of creativity / Experience. Methodology. Reflection. Materials of international scientific conference. Minsk, 2005.
- About professional oriented work on the faculry of Philosophy and Social Sciences of the Belarusian State University / Regional sociology: state, problems, perspectivas. Materials of international scientific conference. Gorki, 2005.
- Reception of ideas of I. Kant in Belarus in the first half of XIX century / Philosophy of Kant and modernity. Materials of international scientific conference. Minsk, 2005.
- Native philosophical thought in the context of "german influence" / Dialog of cultures and perspectives of social cultural globalization in modern world. Digestofscientificarticles. Minsk, 2005.
- Reception of Kant's philosophy in Belarus and Lithuania in the first third of the nineteenth century / Kant between East and West.: Proceedings of the international seminar and an international conference, devoted to the 200th anniversary of Kant death and the 280th anniversary of Immanuel Kant. In 2 parts. Kaliningrad.P.1 .- 2005,. 87-97
- Youthandwisdominphilosophy / A Teacher and a student: characteristics of dialogue in the teaching of humanities. Materials of the III scientific method. Conf. Minsk, 2006.
- Medieval and RenaissancePhilosophy / Philosophy. Textbook. Minsk: RIVSH, 2006. S. 76-96.
- Reception of Kant's philosophy in Belarus and Lithuania (the first third of the XIX century). / Philosophy of Immanuel Kant (Past and Present), Omsk, 2006.
- Legal nihilism in the structure of legal socialization of students / socialization of university youth. Materials of scientific Conf.Gorki, 2006
- Methodological discourse of philological tradition in Belarus / Nomen: Digest of scientific works in philosophical and social sciences. Edition 6, Minsk, 2006.
- The average student - is modern university student / Conditionand mechanisms of ensuring high quality of training specialists in humanities. Proc.IVscientific.method.Conf.Minsk, 2007.
- The main problems of philosophy of Middle Ages and Renaissance / Philosophy. Textbook for students. 2nd ed. Minsk, 2007.
- Art and philosophy: the necessity of interaction / Art and Philosophy: Proceedings of International scientific Conf. , devoted to the 100th anniversary of Jean-Pierre Sartre and Levinas, E.. Minsk, 2007
- Paradigmatic space of modern philosophy / curriculum for undergraduates in the specialty "Philosophy". Minsk, 2007
- Specifics of philosophical tradition in Belarus / Modern society as problematic field of social sciences. Materials of International scientific conf. Minsk, 2007
- Specifics of national identity in an era of globalization / Psychosocial adaptation in transforming society: Materials of IIIntern.scient.Conf.Minsk, 2007
- About conceptual approaches to the standard of new generation of the first stage of education in specialty "Philosophy" / Strategic orientation of teaching in modern world. Abstracts of the 5th scientific-methodical conference. Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences of the BSU. Minsk, 2008.
- Methodological aspects of teaching rhetoric as Inventions / Problems of teaching logics and disciplines of logical cycle: Intern.scient.Conf. Kiev, 2008.
- Development of logic in Belarus / Historical logical research: collection of scientific articles. Kiev, 2008
- The phenomenon of "mass" in condition of commercialization / Kultura a rynek. Tom II. Lublin, 2008.
- The main problems of the philosophy of the Middle Ages. The main philosophical ideas in the culture of the Renaissance / Philosophy: Textbooks for High Schools. 3rd ed. Minsk, 2008
- Basic curicculum in specialty of historical and philosophical cycle for students of cpecialty 1-210201 "Philosophy" / Minsk, BSU, 2008.
- Educational standard. Higher Education. specialty 1-210201 "Philosophy" / RIVSH, Minsk, 2008.
- Tolerance and Education / The principle of tolerance and its application in the modern educational process. Materials of6thscientificmethod. Conf.Minsk, 2009.
- Platform "Dialogue Eurasia" / Sociology, № 1, 2009
- J. Perelman theory of argumentation as an innovative basis for training courses / Communication in social and humanities, economics and education. Proceedings of the international scientific conference. Minsk, 2008.
- EWSand SRWS: possible ways of cooperating / Problems of organization of educational practice and research work of students: Materials of VIIScientificConferenceFFSSBSU.Minsk,2009.
- The problem of dialogue in contemporary culture: the social and ethical contexts / Philosophy and Social Sciences № 1, 2010.
- The place and the role of logic as an academic discipline in education / problems of teaching of logic and disciplines of logical cycle: IV International scientific-practical conference: Papers and presentations. Kiev, 2010.
- Dialogue of cultures in the context of a globalizing world / Philosophy and rationality in culture of globalizing world: proceedings of the international scientific conference. Minsk, 2009.
- History of philosophy: a workshop for students of the faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences, spec. "Philosophy" / Minsk:BSU, 2009.
- Methodological aspects of teaching rhetoric as elocution / Problems of teaching of logic. Kiev. 2010.
- International conference on the topic "Philosophy and the rationality in the culture of globalizing world" / Messenger of the BSU, ser.3, 2010, № 1,. 101-102.
- Specifics of national identity / Social and humanitarian in the context of globalization: Proceedings of international scientific Conf.Gorky, 2011.
- Development of logic in Belarus: historical and philosophical essay / Philosophy and Social Sciences № 1, 2011.
Publications (in English):
- The Specificity of the National Identity in the Epoch of Globalization / Limes, 2008. Vol. №2. Vilnius.
Publications (in German):
- Die rezeption der philosophie I. Kants in Belarus und Litauen im ersten drittel des XIX Iahrhunderts / Kant zwisehen Westund Ost. Kaliningrad? 2004.