Svetlana G. Karassyova

Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor

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1983-1988: Philosophical department at the Faculty of History, Belarusian State University. Specialty: the history of philosophy.

1994-1997: post-graduate at the department of History of philosophy at the Republic of Belarus Academy of Science´s Institute of Philosophy and Law. Specialty: history of philosophy. Thesis: Theistic philosophy of Russian spiritual academies of XIX century. Defended - 2000, the BSU Counsil on thesis defending.

2001 (February-April): internship on religious studies within the "Prospekt" program at the Institute of Eastern-European Christianity of the Catholic University of Nijmegen (Netherlands).

Professional activity:

1988-1992: junior researcher at scientific research laboratory of methodological problems of spiritual heritage research at the department of History of philosophy and logic of BSU.

1992-1995: dean of the Academic college of the European Humanities University.

1994-1997: post-graduate at the department of History of philosophy at the Republic of Belarus Academy of Science´s Institute of Philosophy and Law.

1997-2007: assistant professor at the department of Humanities and social disciplines at "ENVILA" Women´s Institute (subjects: philosophy, logic, religious studies).

1999-2004: senior lecturer at the department of Religious studies at European Humanities University (subject: religious studies).

2007-now: associate professor at Philosophy of culture department of the Philosophy and Social Sciences Faculty at BSU (subject: religious studies).

Contact info:

Work phone Nr: +375 17 259 70 57

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.