Victoria V. AnohinaCandidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor
Alla V. BarkovskayaCandidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor
Irina A. BarsukCandidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor |
Alexander M. BobrVice-Dean on teaching and up-bringingCandidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor Dean's office of the Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences Kalvaryiskaia str. 9, room 518 Minsk Republic of Belarus 220004 Tel.: (+375-17) 259-74-06; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Andrew I. EkadumovCandidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor
Elena V. KhomitchCandidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor
Natalia K. KiselCandidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor
Ilya N. KolyadkoDeputy Dean for Academic AffairsPhD in Philosophy, Аssociate Professor Dean's Office of the Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences Republic of Belarus, 220004, Minsk, st. Kalvariyskaya 9, 5th floor, room 518 Tel.: (+ 375-17) 259-74-06; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Anastasia S. KomarovskayaCandidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor
Olga V. KurbatchevaCandidate of Philosophy, Lecturer |
Laptjonok S. AleksandrHead of the Chair of Philosophy and Methodology of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy, Professor Department of Philosophy and Methodology of Science Kalvaryiskaia str. 9, room 624 Minsk Republic of Belarus 220004 Tel.: (+375-17) 259-70-54; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Tel.: (+375-17) 259-70-55 |
Olga V. NovikovaCandidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor |
Olga G. ShavrovaCandidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor
Nicolay A. SmirnovCandidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor
Elena I. YantchukCandidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor |
Arkadey V. YaskevitchCandidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor
Anatoly I. ZelenkovDoctor of Philosophy, Professor |
Демидович Елизавета ДмитриевнаПреподаватель-стажёр Кафедра философии и методологии науки Республика Беларусь 220004 г. Минск ул. Кальварийская 9, 6 этаж к. 628 Тел. кафедры: (+375-17) 259-70-54; e-mail кафедры: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Терёхин Евгений ЛеонидовичПреподаватель Кафедра философии и методологии науки Республика Беларусь 220004 г. Минск ул. Кальварийская 9, 6 этаж к. 628 Тел. кафедры: (+375-17) 259-70-54; e-mail кафедры: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.