Ekaterina D. Bespanskaya-Pavlenko

Candidate of Psychological Sciences




Graduated with honors from the Special Faculty of Social Pedagogy and Practical Psychology of the Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after M. Tank, majoring in Practical Psychology. Foreign language (German)" (1999).

In 1999-2003, she studied in postgraduate studies in the specialty 19.00.13 – developmental psychology, acmeology. In 2005, she defended her PhD thesis on the topic "Development of the leading mental functions of preschool and primary school age children". He has the academic title of "associate professor" in the specialty "Psychology" (2009).

From August to November 1999, she worked as a teacher of German at school No. 117 in Minsk.

From September 1999 to June 2004, she was a teacher, then a senior lecturer at the Department of Age and Pedagogical Psychology of the Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after M. Tank.

From September 2004 to March 2018, she was an associate professor at the Department of General and Clinical Psychology of the Faculty of Socio-Cultural Communications of the Belarusian State University.

From March 2018 to February 2022, she worked as an assistant to the rector of the Belarusian State University.

From February 2022 to the present, he has been an associate professor of the Department of General and Medical Psychology at the Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences of the Belarusian State University.

From 2011 to 2015, she participated in the ONT project "Adults about Children" as an expert psychologist.


Passed the following internships:

She was an expert of the project "Introduction to the practice of working with juvenile offenders of technologies and methods based on the principles of restorative justice" (UN Children's Fund UNICEF, 2002).

She became a laureate of the DAAD scholarship (Germany, Wuppertal, 2002-2003) and completed an internship at the University of Wuppertal at the Department of Age and Educational Psychology.

Participated in international scientific conferences and seminars (Russia 2000, 2005; Poland 2000, 2004, 2005, 2008, 2014; Germany 2002, 2008; Austria 2003; Netherlands 2004; Australia 2006; Sweden 2001; Turkey 2006, 2011; Lithuania 2009; Moldova 2011; Norway 2012; Switzerland 2013).

She studied Erickson therapy and Erickson hypnosis (2002), systemic business coaching (2005 - 2008), problem–oriented psychotherapy (2012). He is a certified systemic family therapist (2005 – 2009).


During her professional career , she took the following advanced training courses:

14.01.2002 – 26.01.2002 – Institute of Advanced Training and Professional Retraining of Specialists of Primary Vocational Education, St. Petersburg, Russia. "Actual problems of practical psychology" (72 hours);

01.09.2002. – 01.05.2002 – BSU, "Erickson's approach in psychological counseling" (80 hours);

6.02.2002 – 7.02.2002 – BSPU named after M. Tank, winter school-seminar "Prospects for the development of social education";

16.04.2004 – 17.04.2004 – M. Tank BSPU, International school-seminar "Methodological strategies in social education";

13.05 2004 – 14.05.2004 – Minsk, German Academic Exchange Service, seminar for heads of higher academic institutions of the Republic of Belarus;

09.2005 – 09.2006 – Minsk, International educational program "School of Business Coaches";

09.2005 – 09.2006 – Minsk, NGO "Educational Center "POST", "Psychology in organizational consulting" (110 hours);

20.03.2007 – M. Tank BSPU, International school-seminar "Training of social workers: didactic aspects";

28.05.2007 – 01.06.2007 – BSU, "Violence against women. Ways to overcome";

26.11.2007 – 22.12.2007 – RIGA, "Statistical analysis and data processing on a personal computer" (72 hours);

27.05.2008 – 29.05.2008 – Minsk, UN Children's Fund UNICEF "Issues of sexual health of adolescents and youth";

09.2005 – 09.2009 – System consulting and Training Center "Synergy", "Systemic family therapy";

21.09.2009 – 02.10.2009 – Educational institution "Republican Institute of Vocational Education", "Psychological programs of personality development in adolescence and adolescence" (72 hours);

10.05.2011 – 11.05.2011 – RMV "Effective management technologies", "Project management planning" (12 hours);

21.05.2012 – 25.05.2012 – BSU, "Problem-oriented psychotherapy" (20 hours);

17.06.2013 – 21.06.2013 – BSU, "Leader's School";

25.10.2013 – UZ "City clinical children's neuropsychiatric dispensary", "Deviant behavior in adolescence: diagnosis of disorders, methods of correction" (5 hours);

03.02.2014 – 07.02.2014 – BSU, educational program "System of professional competencies of a modern leader in science and education" (42 hours).

25.10.2014 – 08.11.2015 – educational program "Psychological assistance to children and adolescents – an integrative approach", NGO "Belarusian Association of Psychotherapists" section "Child and adolescent psychotherapy";

10.2016 – 10.2017 – International educational program "Systematic approach in counseling and psychotherapy";

23.10.2017 – 25.10.2017 – seminar "Mediation in various fields: methods of application";

23.04.2021 – 17.06.2021 – Educational program "Leaders of the future), Minsk, BSU.


Additional professional education:

21.01.2013 – 24.06.2013 – RSSU branch in Minsk, professional retraining under the program "Manager of social work";

24.11.2016 – 20.06.2018 – Belarusian National Technical University, professional retraining in the specialty "Management of vocational education institutions"


Membership in international organizations:

Full member of the International Society for the Study of Behavior Development (ISSBD).

Member of the Association of Professors of Slavic Countries (APSS)


Indicators in Google.scholar:

number of publications – 110;

the total number of citations is 152;

h-index – 6;

i10-index – 4

Indicators in Scopus:

number of publications – 2;

the total number of citations is 14;

h-index – 2.


  • Research interests: problems of studying the genesis and dynamics of the leading mental functions of preschool and primary school children; the formation of a "model of mental" (Theory of mind) and the development of positionality; issues of socio-psychological adaptation of children to school; problems of research of gender characteristics of children and adults; problems of diagnosis of mental development; psychology of sports.


  • Publication activity: more than 100 scientific papers have been published, including 1 monograph, 10 educational and methodical manuals, scientific articles in foreign scientific journals and journals from the list of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Belarus, articles in other scientific publications, materials and abstracts of conferences.