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Alexey M. PolyakovHead of the Department, Associate ProfessorCandidate of Psychology, Associate Professor Personal e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Doctor of Science (in Psychology), Professor, the chair of General and Medical psychology,
Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences, Belarusian State University.
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Education, labor and scientific career:
High scientific qualification and research skills combined with 22 yeras experience of their conditing and participating in different research project.
Strong writing skills and clear-thinking. Have more than 200 scientific works and tutorials.
Highly qualified in psychological diagnostics and correction of the abnormal child development.
Communication skills. Work well in a team. Experience in organizing group work.
Scientific and applied interests:
- Psychology of activity and consciousness (symbolic functioning) in normal and abnormal development;
- Practice of the psychological assistance to children with abnormal development.
- Developmental Psychology;
- Abnormal Child Psychology;
- General Psychology;
- Diagnostics and Correction of Abnormal Child Development;
- Diagnostics and Correction of Activity Deviation.
20 year experience of lecturing Developmental psychology, Abnormal child psychology, General psychology, Diagnostics and correction of human activity disorder in Belorussian State University.
Supervisor of 2 and executive officer of 7 scientific projects of Ministry of Education, Belorussian Fund of Fundamental Researches and UNICEF. Researches of normal and abnormal child development and training of specialists in psychology were conducted.
1993 - 1998: a student of Belarusian State University, the Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences, psychological department.
1998 - 2001: a postgraduate student of the Belarusian State University.
2001 a lecturer in psychology, 2005 - Associate Professor, 2019 - Professor of the chair of psychology of Belorussian State University, 2020-2022 - The Head of the chair of General and Medical Psychology, 2022 - Professor of the chair of General and Medical psychology of Belorussian State University.
Job responsibilities:
- Lecturing;
- Scientific research;
- Supervising of student's researches;
- Working with children and adolescents with mental and learning disabilities, behavioral problems;
- Psychological diagnostics and development of assistance programs for children with developmental disabilities;
- Organizing scientific conferences;
- Writing scientific papers and tutorials;
- Expertise of scientific papers and tutorials.
Have 9 implementation acts in institutions of secondary and higher education and institutions providing services for children with developmental disabilities.
Doctor of science degree in abnormal child psychology (2018). The title of doctoral dissertation: Development of the Symbolic Function of Consciousness in interpersonal Interaction among Schoolchildren with Learning Disabilities. Research supervisor: Dr. Slepovich Elena.
Docent (2006).
PhD degree in abnormal child psychology (2002). PhD thesis "The Productive Actions Development in Adolescents with Intellectual Disabilities" (Развитие продуктивных действий у подростков с легкой интеллектуальной недостаточностью). Research supervisor: Dr. Slepovich Elena.
Higher education in Belorussian state University, honor degree. Qualification: psychologist, a lecturer in psychology.
- Thanks (2006) and 3 Diploma (2007, 2013, 2019) of Belarusian State University;
- Diploma of Russian journal "Defectologia" (2008);
- V.I. Picheta Prize of Belarusian State University (2019);
- Presential scholarship for Talented Young Scientists (2020).
- https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2089-1093
- http://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorld=57609503000
- https://www.webofscience.com/wos/author/record/V-2650-2018
- https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Alexey_Polyakov5
- https://www.elibrary.ru/author_profile.asp?authorid=865193
- https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=ru&user=1zh4bVwAAAAJ&view_op=list_works
- https://bsu.academia.edu/AlexeyPolyakov
- BSU.BY: https://ffsn.bsu.by/en/personal-pages/pp-dep-okp/70-polyakov-am/1715-polyakov-am-b-en.html