Eugenia V. StolyarskayaSenior Lecturer
Career positions:
2000 - date - senior lecturer at the Department of Psychology of Belarusian State University, Minsk, Belarus.
1997 - 2000 - lecturer at the Department of Social Work of Institute of Modern Knowledge, Minsk, Belarus.
1994 - 1997 - post-graduate student at Academy of Post-Diploma Education, Minsk, Belarus.
1989 - 1994 - student of Belarusian State University, Minsk, Belarus (diploma with honor, 1994).
Main activity and responsibilities:
Teaching common and special courses to undergraduate students (History of psychology, Social psychology, Political psychology, Gender psychology). Research projects. Supervising student's research work; some of these works were presented at national and international student's science conferences (by Dokuchaeva N., Galkina A., Zhuk V.) and were awarded by diploma at national students science conferences (by Roschinskaya A.).
Current scientific interests:
psychology of personal being, personal growth and development, self-actualization in professional, gender and aging context; self-perception while process of personal growth and development, Possible Selves and motivation to self-actualization. Dissertation "An Interrelation of features of Person's Self-Perception and Self-Actualization" is prepared.
Total number of published science works:
32 (out of them 15 are papers of international congresses and conferences held in Moscow, St. Petersburg (Russia), Riga (Latvia), Minsk, Brest, Gomel (Belarus) and 7 are articles in international and national science journals).