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Sviatlana M. ShyrkoSenior Lecturer Personal e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Shirko, S.M. The problem of formation of psychological culture of high school students and students / S.M. Shirko // Actual problems of social psychology: collection of scientific tr. / Bel.gos. ped. M.Tank University; editors: T.V. Gormoza (ed.), Ya.L. Kolominsky, L.A. Pergamenshchik[et al.]. – Minsk: BSPU, 2014. – P. 218-220.
- Shirko, S.M. Socio-psychological aspects of criminalization of combatants / A. I. Gorbachev, S.M. Shirko // Modern problems of applied legal psychology: materials of the I Rep. scientific.- practical conference, Minsk, November 23, 2016 / editorial board : I. A. Furmanov (ed.) [and others]. – Minsk: BSU, 2016. – P. 28-32.
- Shirko, S.M. The relationship of emotional intelligence and psychological health in students / S.M. Shirko // Mental health issues of children and adolescents. – 2017 (17). – №2 ( appendix). – P. 268 - 269.
- Shirko, S.M. Personal characteristics of students prone to love addiction / S.M. Shirko, A.S. Merkulova // Personality in space and time: collection of scientific articles of the VI International Scientific Conference, Smolensk, October 19, 2017 / edited by I.V. Morozikova, K.E. Kuzmina, N..P. Senchenkova. – Smolensk, Smolensk State University, 2017. – Issue 6. – P. 155 - 162.
- Shirko, S.M. Interrelation of emotional intelligence and personal characteristics in men and women / S.M. Shirko, V.S. Zaitsev // Actual problems of psychology of personality development: collection of scientific articles / Kupala State State University; scientific ed.: A.V. Rakitskaya, O.G. Mitrofanova. – Grodno: GrSU, 2017. – P. 339-343.
- Gorbachev, A.I., Shirko, S.M. Features of the manifestation of deviant behavior in combat participants / A. I. Gorbachev, S.M. Shirko // Modern problems of applied legal psychology : materials of the I International Scientific.- practice. Internet conference, Minsk, November 23, 2017 / editorial board : I. A. Furmanov (ed.) [et al.]. – Minsk: BSU, 2017. – P. 20-27.
- Shirko, S.M. Propensity to love addiction in romantic relationships among girls and boys / S. M. Shirko // Sofia : electronic scientific and educational journal / BSU, 2018. – №.1 – P. 35-39.
- Shirko, S.M., Metlitskaya M.N. Strategies of behavior in conflict as a factor of satisfaction with marriage in men and women / S.M. Shirko, M.N. Metlitskaya // Actual problems of personality psychology and social interaction: collection of scientific Articles / Kupala State State University; scientific ed.: A.V. Rakitskaya, O.G. Mitrofanova. – Grodno: GrSU, 2018. – P. 283-290.
- Shirko, S.M. Differences in the characteristics of emotional intelligence among students with different types of perfectionism / S.M. Shirko // Modern problems of psychology: intercollegiate scientific Art. / BSU; editorial Board : I.A. Furmanov, A.M. Polyakov, I.E. Metlitsky. – Minsk: BSU, 2018. – P. 400 - 414.
- Shirko, S.M. Emotional intelligence as a predictor of psychological health in students / S.M. Shirko // Herzen readings: psychological research in education: materials of the II International Scientific and Practical Conference / Russian State Pedagogical A.I. Herzen University; editorial board: A.V. Miklyaeva (ed.) [and others]. – St. Petersburg: RSPU, 2019. – P. 624 - 632.
- Shirko, S.M. Meaningful characteristics of emotional intelligence of students with various types of perfectionism (beginning) / S. M. Shirko // Adukatsia i vykhavanne. – 2019. –No. 1 – P. 60-68.
- Shirko, S.M. Meaningful characteristics of emotional intelligence of students with various types of perfectionism (graduation) / S. M. Shirko // Adukatsia i vykhavanne. – 2019. –No.2 – P. 60-68.
- Furmanov, I.A., Shirko, S.M. Development of the scale of dispositional greed / I.A. Furmanov, S. M. Shirko // Journal of the Belarusian State University. Philosophy. Psychology. – 2020. – №3. – P. 78-86.
- Shirko, S.M. Gender differences in personal characteristics of individuals with a high level of dispositional greed / S. M. Shirko // Vesnik Bratskaga yniversiteta. Series 3. Filalogy. Pedagogika. Psychalogy. – 2022. – №1. – P. 160-168.
- Shirko S.M. Personal characteristics of individuals with different levels of dispositional greed / S. M. Shirko // Human capital. – 2022. – Vol.1. – №5 (161). – P. 252-263.
- Shirko S.M. Motives for obtaining higher education at the first and subsequent stages / S. M. Shirko // Human capital. – 2022. – №1 (157). – P. 169-174.
- Shirko S.M. Personal factors of dispositional greed / S. M. Shirko // Sofia : electron nauch.-enlighten. journal. – 2022. – №2. – P. 100 -104.
Conference materials and abstracts:
- Shirko, S.M. Difficulties in professional self-realization at the stage of becoming a teacher / S.M. Shirko // Scientific and methodological component of teaching social and humanitarian disciplines in accordance with the new educational standard: materials of the XI scientific method. conf. fac-ta filos. and Social Sciences of BSU, Minsk, March 26, 2014 / Editorial board: A.A. Legchilin, E.V. Belyaeva. – Minsk, BSU, 2014. – P. 56-58.
- Shirko, S.M. The educational potential of the curator of the student group / S.M. Shirko // The interrelation of research activity and the pedagogical process in higher education: materials of the XII scientific and methodological Conference of the Faculty of Philos. and Social Sciences of BSU, Minsk, March 26, 2015 / Editorial board: A.A. Legchilin, E.V. Belyaeva. - Minsk, BSU, 2015. – P. 55-56.
- Shirko, S.M. Effective activity of the curator of the group as a factor of effective adaptation of first-year students / S.M. Shirko // Psychosocial adaptation in a transforming society: socialization of a subject at different stages of ontogenesis: proceedings of the IV International Scientific Conference, Minsk, May 22, 2015 / I.A. Furmanov (ed.) [et al.]. – Minsk, BSU, 2015. – P. 505 – 509.
- Shirko, S.M. The specifics of teaching psychological disciplines at non-core faculties / S.M. Shirko // Interdisciplinarity as a strategy of the educational process at the FSN: materials of the XIII scientific and methodological conf. of the Faculty of Philos. and Social Sciences of BSU, Minsk, March 29, 2016 / Editorial board: A.A. Legchilin, E.V. Belyaeva. - Minsk, BSU, 2016. – P. 75-76.
- Shirko, S.M. Effective teacher through the eyes of students / S.M. Shirko // The quality management system and the quality of teaching: materials of the XIV scientific and methodological Conference of the Faculty of Philos. and Social Sciences of BSU, Minsk, March 28, 2017 / Editorial board: A.A. Legchilin, E.V. Belyaeva. - Minsk, BSU, 2017. – P. 92-93.
- Shirko, S.M. The specifics of the curator's activity-women in the student group / S.M. Shirko // Women scientists of Belarus and Kazakhstan : collection of materials of the International Scientific.- Practical conference, Minsk, March 1-2, 2018 / Editorial board: I. V. Kazakova [et al.]. – Minsk: Riga, 2018. – P. 92-94.
- Shirko, S.M. Interactive methods in the work of the curator of the student group / S.M. Shirko // Interaction of teachers and students in the modern communication environment: materials of the XV scientific. – method.conf. dedicated to the memory of Professor I. L. Zelenkova, Faculty of Philos. and Social Sciences of BSU, Minsk, March 27, 2018 / Editorial board: A.A. Legchilin, E.V. Belyaeva. – Minsk, BSU, 2018. – P. 94-95.
- Shirko, S.M., Features of emotiona lintelligence and psychological health of the students / S.M. Shirko // Problems of optimal functioning of personality in modern conditions: Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference, Kharkiv, October 25, 2018 / Kharkiv, KhNU, 2018. - P. 220 - 221.
- Shirko, S.M., Emotional intelligence as a factor of satisfaction with marriage during early adulthood / S.M. Shirko // Socio-cultural and psychological problems of the modern family: topical issues of support and support: materials of Vseros. IV Scientific and practical conf., Tula State Pedagogical University. un-t, Tula, TSPU, November 21-22, 2018 – Tula, TSPU, 2018. – P. 46-48.
- Shirko, S.M., Alexandrovich S.M. Meaningful characteristics of attitudes to sex in men and women with different styles of love / S.M. Shirko, S.M. Alexandrovich // Philosophy and social sciences in the modern world: materials of the International scientific conference for the 30th anniversary of the fac. Philosophy and Social Sciences Belarusian State University, Minsk, September 26-27. 2019 / Belarusian State University; editorial Board: V.F. Gigin (pred.) [et al.]. – Minsk, BSU, 2019. – P. 622 – 626.
- Shirko, S.M., Metlitskaya, M.N. Motivation of teaching at the second stage of higher education / S.M. Shirko, M.N. Metlitskaya // Creative components of training specialists of the 2nd stage of higher education: materials of the XVI scientific. – method.conf. dedicated to the memory of Professor I. L. Zelenkova, Faculty of Philos. and Social Sciences of BSU, Minsk, March 27, 2019 / edited by E.V. Belyaeva, V.S. Saiganova. – Minsk, BSU, 2019. – P. 66-68.
- Shirko S.M. Features of professional self-determination of high school students and students // Specifics and prospects of vocational guidance of schoolchildren and students of socio-humanitarian profile : Collection of scientific and methodological materials of the XVII Scientific and methodological conference of the Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences of the Belarusian State University, March 31, 2020 / BSU, Fac. philosophy and social sciences; [comp. O. V. Kurbacheva]. – Minsk : BSU, 2020. P. 105-108.
- Shirko S.M. Features of the manifestation of dispositional greed as adaptation to uncertainty // Psychosocial adaptation in a transforming society: subject-subject communication as a factor of socialization of an individual. 2020. P. 338-344.
- Shirko S.M. Greed as a motivating factor of personality development // Problemi samorozvitku osobistosti v suchasnogo suspilstvi. 2021. pp.233–235.
- Shirko S.M. Psychological correlates of dispositional greed // Science in practice [Electronic resource] : materials of the II International Scientific and practical Conference / Educational institution Baranovichi State University. Baranovichi : BarSU, 2021. P. 278-279.
- Shirko S.M. Excessive training as a manifestation of dispositional greed among students // New trends in the training of specialists in the socio-humanitarian profile : collection of materials of the XIX scientific and methodological conference of the Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences of the Belarusian State University. Minsk : BSU. 2022. P. 181-185.
- Shirko S.M. Personal characteristics of men and women with a high level of dispositional greed // Economic growth of the Republic of Belarus: globalization, innovation, sustainability : materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference.. Minsk : BSEU. 2022. P. 513-514.
- Shirko S.M. Greed as a psychological resource for the success of learning and socialization // Socialization in the global world: challenges of modernity : materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference / Kaluga State University named after K.E. Tsiolkovsky. Kaluga : KSU. 2022. P. 224-231
- Shirko S.M. Personal features of dispositional greed in women // Nauka – praktike [Electronic resource]: materials of the III International Scientific and Practical Conference. Educational institution Baranovichi State University. Baranovichi : BarSU, 2022. P. 295-296.
- Shirko S.M. Personal characteristics of men and women prone to dispositional greed // Ananyev Readings – 2022. 60 years of Social psychology at St. Petersburg State University – from the origins to new achievements and innovations: proceedings of the international scientific conference. St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg State University. P. 353-354.
- Shirko, S.M. Dispositional greed as a predictor of the development of a superconsumption society / S.M. Shirko // Cultural and civilizational crisis in the information society: materials of the International scientific and practical conference, Vitebsk, December 2, 2022 / Vitebsk State University; editor: A.A. Lazarevich (Chief editor), E.V. Davlyatova, E.I. Rudkovsky. – Vitebsk: VSU named after P.M. Masherov, 2022. – P. 252-254.
- Psychological tools for the organization of psychological work in extreme situations: studies. materials for students and cadets, training. according to spec. 1-23 01 04 «Psychology» / comp.: A. I. Gorbachev, S. M. Shirko. – Minsk : BSU, 2016. – 42 p.
- Encyclopedic psychological dictionary-reference. 1000 concepts, definitions, terms : educational and methodical manual for universities / Edited by S.L. Kandybovich, A.D. Korol, T.V. Razina. – 6th ed., reprint. and additional – Minsk: Harvest, 2021. – 864 p.