Elena E. KuchkoDoctor of Sociology, Professor
Doctor of Sociological Sciences (2010), sociology department professor (2011), professor (2012).
Sociologist, philosopher. Specialist in the sphere of social innovation, social technologies and management, methodology and methods of sociological researches. She is a participant of Belarusian and international projects, dedicated to the problems of youth, education, health, governance and power.
She was born on October 16th , 1967 in Minsk. She graduated from the Philosophy and Economics Department of the Belarusian State University in 1990 and finished the full-time postgraduate course on "Theory, methodology and history of sociology" in 1993. She defended a candidate's dissertation "Methodological Foundation of the Sociology of Innovation" in 1993.
She has been working at Sociology Department of Philosophy and Social Studies Faculty since 1990. She is an Academic Secretary of the faculty Academic Council.
She has trained a Candidate of Sciences and supervises postgraduate students' scientific work.
She is an author of about 80 publications (articles, teaching and methodical publications and encyclopaedias, a joint author of teaching aids and collective monographs). She is an author of monograph: "Sociology of Innovations" (Minsk 2009)