Candidate of Biological Sciences
Ludmila P. Vasilyeva
Google Scholar Citations
1. Vasilyeva, L.P. Medical and social criteria for assessing the adaptation of adolescents with neurological pathology to the process of vocational training: instructions for use / V.V. Golikova, L.P. Vasilyeva - 2005. - Minsk. – 27s.
2. Vasilyeva, L.P. Effective medical and professional rehabilitation of disabled children as a vector of their social protection in modern conditions / L.P. Vasilyeva, K.E. Zborovsky // Ecological Anthropology. – 2006. – Minsk. – pp. 231–234.
3. Vasilyeva, L.P. On the issue of assessing the adaptation of adolescents in the process of vocational training / L.P. Vasilyeva. - Social work. – 2007. – No. 1. – P. 25–26.
4. Vasilyeva, L.P. Psychophysiological aspect of the examination of professional suitability in adolescents with neurological pathology / L. P. Vasilyeva // Signal mechanisms of regulation of physiological functions. – Minsk: RIVSH, 2007. – P. 51–53.
5. Vasilyeva, L.P. Current aspects of social rehabilitation of disabled adolescents / L.P. Vasilyeva, V.V. Kovalchuk // Social policy: modernity and future: materials of the International. scientific-practical Conf., Jan. 20 2009 – St. Petersburg. : Leningrad State University named after. A. S. Pushkina, 2009. – P. 35–40.
6. Vasilyeva, L.P. Career guidance in the social rehabilitation of disabled adolescents / L.P. Vasilyeva // Social work. – 2010. – No. 6. – P. 15–19.
7. Vasilyeva, L.P. Professional counseling for adolescents with disorders of psychophysical development at the stage of choosing a profession / L.P. Vasilyeva // Special education. – 2010. – No. 3. – P. 9–15.
8. Vasilyeva, L.P. Career guidance in social work / L.P. Vasilyeva // Educational standard for social work: methodological support, prospects for the development of the specialty: materials of the Republic. scientific-practical Conf., Minsk, April 20. 2010 / editorial. : G. A. Butrim [and others]. – Minsk: GIUST BSU, 2010. – pp. 37–38.
9. Vasilyeva, L.P. Vocational rehabilitation: career guidance and selection for vocational training of persons with disabilities: monograph / L.P. Vasilyeva, K.E. Zborovsky. – Minsk: GIUST BSU, 2011. – 136 p.
10. Vasilyeva, L.P. Socio-psychophysiological adaptation of persons with hearing impairments at the stage of professional rehabilitation / L.P. Vasilyeva // Modern approaches and innovative technologies for medical and social rehabilitation of disabled people: materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference Perm, May 29-30, 2012 – P. 261 -264.
11. Vasilyeva, L.P. Vocational rehabilitation: career guidance and selection for vocational training of persons with disabilities: monograph / L. P. Vasilyeva, K. E. Zborovsky. – Minsk: GIUST BSU, – 2012. – 124 p.
12. Vasilyeva, L.P. Social and psychological aspects of professional rehabilitation of disabled people / L.P. Vasilyeva // mat. intl. scientific-practical conf. “Improving the social service system in the Republic of Belarus: experience, problems (Republic of Belarus, Minsk, 2013). – Minsk: GIUST BSU, 2014. –P. 31–33.
13. Vasilyeva, L.P. Formation of communicative competence in interpersonal communication in adolescents with cerebral palsy is an important factor in their social and professional integration / L.P. Vasilyeva, P.V. Bran // Medical and social examination and rehabilitation: collection. scientific art. – Minsk, 2014. – Issue. 16. – pp. 220-227.
14. Vasilyeva, L.P. Career guidance in the activities of social work specialists/L.P. Vasilyeva, V.S. Kotova // mat. VII intl. scientific - practical conf. “Social work in the modern world. Interaction of science, education and practice” / ed. O.A. Volkova, E.I. Cerebral. – Belgorod: Publishing House “Belgorod” National Research University “BelSU”, 2015. – P.163-168.
15. Vasilyeva, L.P. IT technologies in the rehabilitation of visually impaired people / L.P. Vasilyeva, V.G. Koypish // Medical and social examination and rehabilitation: collection. scientific Art. / under general ed. V.B. Bow. – Minsk: A.N. Varaksin, 2015. – pp. 97–102.
16. Vasilyeva, L.P. A modern view of the process of formation and development of a specialist / L.P. Vasilyeva // Occupational safety and social protection. – 2015. – No. 8. – pp. 23–33.
17. Vasilyeva, L.P. Social and psychological rehabilitation support for persons with disabilities in the process of vocational training/L.P. Vasilyeva, K.E. Zborovsky // mat. intl. scientific-practical conf. “Continuous professional education of persons with disabilities (Republic of Belarus, Minsk, December 17-18, 2015). – Minsk: BSUIR, 2015. – P.21-25.
18. Vasilyeva, L.P. Social and psychological aspects of adaptation of persons with musculoskeletal disorders at the stage of professional rehabilitation / L.P. Vasilyeva, V.T. Starevich // Medical and social examination and rehabilitation: collection. scientific Art. / under general ed. V.B. Smychka. – Minsk: UE “Encyclopedics” 2016. – P.120–125.
19. Vasilyeva, L.P. Psychological foundations of social work. Labor psychology: electronic educational and methodological complex for specialty: 1-86 01 01 “Social work (in areas)” direction of specialty 1-86 01 01-02 “Social work (socio-psychological activity)”, 1-86 01 01- 03 “Social work (social rehabilitation activities)” / L.P. Vasilyeva; GIUST BSU, Dept. Social work and rehabilitation. – Minsk: GIUST BSU, 2016. – 119 p.
20. Vasilyeva, L.P. Social and psychological aspect of medical and professional rehabilitation of adolescents with disabilities / L. P. Vasilyeva, E. S. Shcherbitskaya // Social protection and personal health in the context of the implementation of human rights: science, education, practice [Electronic resource]: mat. intl. scientific-practical conf., Rep. Belarus, Minsk, November 26-27. 2015 / editorial. : E.I. Zborovsky (chief editor) [and others]. – Minsk: BSU, 2016. – P. 110–115.
21. Vasilyeva, L.P. Socio-psychological characteristics of adolescents living in a social shelter, influencing their social adaptation / L.P. Vasilyeva, A.Yu. Kovalchuk // mat. VIII intl. scientific-practical conference “Social work in the modern world: interaction between science, education and practice” / ed. O.A. Volkova, E.I. Mozgovoy, D.A. Kulabukhova. – Belgorod: Publishing House “Belgorod” National Research University “BelSU”, 2016. – Moscow: Publishing House “Pero”, 2016. – P.235-243. [Electronic edition]
22. Vasilyeva, L.P. Features of the formation of socio-psychological adaptation and professional orientation of adolescents left without parental care / L.P. Vasilyeva, V.S. Kotova // Issues of mental health of children and adolescents (Appendix). − St. Petersburg, 2017. – No. 2.- P.35-36.
23. Vasilyeva, L.P. Career guidance and rehabilitation: educational and methodological complex for specialty: 1-86 01 01 “Social work (in areas)” direction of specialty 1-86 01 01−03 “Social work (social rehabilitation activities)” / L.P. Vasilyeva // [Electronic resource] 2017. –– Access mode:
24. Vasilyeva, L.P. University of the third age as a measure of socio-psychological rehabilitation of elderly citizens / L.P. Vasilyeva, Ya.G. Glushchenya // “Social work in the modern world: interaction of science, education and practice”: mat. IX intl. scientific-practical conf. / ed. O.A. Volkova, E.I. Mozgovoy, D.A. Kulabukhova. – M.: Pero Publishing House, 2017. – P.306-311 – [Electronic edition].
25. Vasilyeva, L.P. Features of adaptation of students at the center for professional and social rehabilitation / L.P. Vasilyeva, M.V. Novitskaya // “Forms and methods of social work in various spheres of life”: mat. VI intl. scientific-practical Conf. dedicated to the 55th anniversary of the East Siberian State University of Technology and Management (December 7-8, 2017) / rep. ed. Yu.Yu. Shurygina. – Ulan-Ude: VSGUTU Publishing House, 2017. – P.71-73.
26. Vasilyeva, L.P. Features of the formation of professional orientation of young people with disabilities / L.P. Vasilyeva, N.L. Pikulik // Special education. –2018. – No. 1. –P.3-6.
27. Vasilyeva, L.P. Cultural and leisure activities as a means of socio-psychological adaptation of elderly people / L.P. Vasilyeva, E.A. Kachkovskaya, V.S. Kotova // Social work in the modern world: interaction of science, education and practice: materials of the X International. scientific-practical Conf., Belgorod, November 27 – 28, 2018 / Belgorod State. national research University; under general ed. K. Yu. Koroleva. – Belgorod, 2018. P.66-73.
28. Vasilyeva, L.P. Problems of socialization of children registered with the juvenile affairs inspectorate / L.P. Vasilyeva, V.P. Pomazkova //Forms and methods of social work in various spheres of life: materials of the VII International. scientific-practical conference dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Department of Social Technologies, Ulan-Ude, December 5-7, 2018 / East Siberian State. University of Technology and Management; resp. ed. Yu.Yu. Shurygina. – Ulan-Ude, 2018. – P.77-78.
29. Vasilyeva, L.P. Professional orientation of young disabled people as an important factor of their social integration / L.P. Vasilyeva, D.G. Tsygankova, V.S. Kotova //Forms and methods of social work in various spheres of life: materials of the VII International. scientific-practical conference dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Department of Social Technologies, Ulan-Ude, December 5-7, 2018 / East Siberian State. University of Technology and Management; resp. ed. Yu.Yu. Shurygina. – Ulan-Ude, 2018. – P.78-80.
30. Vasilyeva, L.P. Features of adaptation of adolescents with psychophysical disorders to the conditions of vocational training/L.P. Vasilyeva, M.V. Novitskaya, E.A. Vasilyeva // Current problems of theory and practice of social work and education: materials of the VI All-Russian scientific and practical conference. conf. with international participation, Stavropol November 4, 2018/ North Caucasus Federal University, Institute of Education and Social Sciences, department. social technologies; under general editorship N. P. Klushina, E. I. Zritneva, T. V. Bakhutashvili. – Stavropol, 2018. – P.175-181.
31. Vasilyeva, L.P. Professional rehabilitation [Electronic resource]: electronic educational and methodological complex for specialty 1–86 81 01 "Rehabilitation" / L.P. Vasilyeva; GIUST BSU, department. social work and rehabilitation science. – Minsk: GIUST BSU, 2018. – 91 p. – Dep. at BSU 08/20/2018, No. 006320082018
32. Vasilyeva, L.P. Formation of a successful career [Electronic resource]: electronic educational and methodological complex for specialty 1–86 01 01 “Social work (in areas)” / L.P. Vasilyeva; GIUST BSU, Dept. social work and rehabilitation.. – Minsk: GIUST BSU, 2018. – 155 p. – Dep. at BSU 08/20/2018, No. 006420082018.
33. Vasilyeva, L.P. Professional guidance and labor adaptation [Electronic resource]: electronic educational and methodological complex for specialty 1–86 01 01 “Social work (in areas)” / L.P. Vasilyeva; GIUST BSU, department. social work and rehabilitation science. – Minsk: GIUST BSU, 2018. – 148 p. – Dep. at BSU 08/20/2018, No. 006220082018.
34. Milkamanovich, V.K., Vasilyeva, L.P. How to quickly restore peace of mind after a destructive emotional shock / V.K. Milkamanovich, L.P. Vasilyeva //Medical knowledge. – 2019. – No. 3. – P.30.
35. Vasilyeva, L.P. Formation of professionally important socially significant qualities of a specialist at the stage of professional training // L.P. Vasilyeva, N.G. Ivanisova, E.A. Vasilyeva//Psychology of abilities and giftedness: materials of the All-Russian scientific and practical conference, Yaroslavl, November 21-22, 2019/ / ed. prof. V.A. Mazilova. − Yaroslavl: RIO YAGPU, 2019. − P.262-265.
36. Vasilyeva, L.P. Psychological characteristics of adolescents raised in single-parent families // L.P. Vasilyeva, N.A. Shishuk // Forms and methods of social work in various spheres of life: materials of the VIII International. scientific-practical conf., Ulan-Ude, October 3-5, 2019 // East Siberian State University of Technologies and Management // resp. ed. Yu.Yu. Shurygina. – Ulan-Ude, 2019. – pp. 49-51.
37. Vasilyeva, L.P. Formation of personal qualities of medical college students in the process of professional training / L.P. Vasilyeva, N.G. Ivanisova // Electronic scientific journal System integration in healthcare ( 2019. –№4 (46). -WITH. 67-73.
38. Vasilyeva L.P. Personal normativity as an important component of professional self-determination of social work specialists//L.P. Vasilyeva, M.D. Dureiko // Specifics and prospects of career guidance for schoolchildren and students of social and humanitarian profile: collection of scientific and methodological materials of the XVII scientific and methodological conference of the Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences of the Belarusian State University, March 31, 2020 / BSU, Faculty. philosophy and social sciences // comp. O. V. Kurbacheva. –Minsk: BSU, 2020. – P.14-17
39. Vasilyeva, L.P. Formation of professional identity among students at the stage of studying at a university // L.P. Vasilyeva //Conditions, imperatives and alternatives for the development of modern society in periods of instability: economics, management, socionomy, law: collection of scientific works / ed. E.V. Korolyuk. − Krasnodar: Krasnodar CSTI - branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "REA" of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, 2020. - P.125-131.
40. Vasilyeva, L.P. Formation of professional orientation in adolescents with type I diabetes mellitus as an important direction of rehabilitation work / L.P. Vasilyeva, V.S. Kiryanova //Medical and social examination and rehabilitation: collection. scientific articles: Issue 22./ under the general editorship. V. B. Smychka. – Minsk: Kolorgrad, 2020. – P.93-98.
41. Vasilyeva, L.P. Volunteering as a form of social activity for older people / L.P. Vasilyeva, D.B. Vorotilina //Spring of autumn. Selected problems of older people: Sat. scientific articles: Volume 2. / scientific editor: Martin Stentzel, Wieslaw Kowalski, Teresa Acinowicz, Jacek Lukasiewicz, Adam Raczkowski. – Lublin: Innovatio Press Scientific publishing house of the Higher School of Economics and Innovation, 2021. – P.75-81.
42. Vasilyeva, L.P. Psychosomatic disorders in adolescents: socio-psychological aspect / L.P. Vasilyeva // Current problems of the theory and practice of social work and education: collection of materials of the IX All-Russian scientific and practical online conference with international participation / under total ed. E. I. Zritneva, N. P. Klushina; Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education North Caucasus Federal University. – Stavropol: AGRUS Stavropol State. Agrarian University, 2021. – pp. 170-177.
43. Vasilyeva, L.P. Targets for socio-psychological support of adolescents with aggressive behavior brought up in single-parent families / L.P. Vasilyeva, A.D Savastyanova //Modern trends in the development of general and university education: a collection of scientific articles of the All-Russian scientific-practical conference with international participation[ December 1, 2021]. –Part 1/ edited scientifically. Doctor of Psychology Sciences, Professor E.V. Karpova. − Yaroslavl: RIO YaGPU, 2021 - p. 58- 62
44. Vasilyeva, L.P. Cognitive impairment in elderly people as a factor in their social maladjustment / L.P. Vasilyeva // Cognitive Neuroscience - 2021: materials of the International. forum., Ekaterinburg, December 2–3, 2021, / [rep. ed. E. E. Symanyuk]. - Ekaterinburg: Ural University Publishing House, 2022. - P. 114-118.
45. Vasilyeva, L.P. Employment as a factor of successful socio-psychological adaptation of visually impaired people / L.P. Vasilyeva, A.L. Mazanik // Medical and social examination and rehabilitation: collection of scientific articles: Vol. 22 / General ed. V.B. Bow. – Minsk: Kolorgrad, 2022. – P. 263-268.
46. Vasilyeva, L.P. The relationship of some features of personal development with educational motivation and learning in primary school students / L.P. Vasilyeva, A.I. Anop // Modern trends in the development of general and university education: collection of scientific articles II All-Russian. scientific-practical Conf., Yaroslavl, December 1, 2022 / ed. E.V. Karpova. − Yaroslavl: RIO YAGPU, 2022. – P. 85 – 89.
47. Vasilyeva, L.P. On the problem of developing soft skills in the process of training future specialists at a university / L.P. Vasilyeva // New trends in the training of social and humanitarian specialists: materials of the XX scientific and methodological conference. Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences of BSU, dedicated to the memory of Professor I. L. Zelenkova, March 31, 2023 / BSU, Faculty. philosophy and social sciences – Minsk; [editor: N.V. Kurilovich (chief editor), etc.]. – Minsk: BSU, 2023. – P.55-58.
48. Vasilyeva, L.P. Social and psychological aspects of adaptation of elderly people / L.P. Vasilyeva, M.I. Gavrilenko // Modern problems of social, humanitarian and legal sciences: theory, methodology, practice: materials of the XII International Scientific and Practical Conference, Tikhoretsk, April 14, 2023 / ed. E.V. Korolyuk. – Krasnodar: Publishing house Krasnodar CNTI – branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution “REA” of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, 2023. – P.66-76.