Natalya N. Krasovskaya

Candidate of Sociology, Associate Professor


In 1998, she graduated with honors from the faculty of social pedagogy and practical psychology of the Institute of Modern Knowledge with a degree in social work.

In 1999, she graduated with honors from the magistracy at the Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences of BSU with a degree in Management Sociology, defended her master's thesis on Social Work as a System and a Type of Professional Activity.

From 1999 to 2002 - graduate student of the Department of Sociology, Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences of BSU.

In 2003 she defended her thesis on "Organization of social protection of the population of the Republic of Belarus: a systematic approach."

In 2009, by a resolution of the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission, the title of Associate Professor in the specialty "Sociology" was awarded.

From 2003 to 2006, he was a lecturer in the Department of Social Work at the State Institute of Management and Social Technologies of BSU.

From 2006 to 2008 - Senior Lecturer, Department of Social Work, State Institute of Management and Social Technologies, BSU.

From 2008 to 2016 - assistant professor of social work at the State Institute of Management and Social Technologies of BSU.

Since 2016 Head of the Department of Social Work and Rehabilitation, State Institute of Management and Social Technologies, BSU.

Since 2018 Head of the Department of Social Work and Rehabilitation of the Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences of BSU.

Research Interests:

• conceptually methodological problems of social work;

• historical aspects of the development of social work;

• theoretical and organizational issues of social protection of the population;

• technology of social work;

• sociology of management.

Teaches the following disciplines:

• “History and theory of social work”;

• “Theory of social work”;

• “Management and marketing in the social sphere”;

• "Methods and technologies of social work."

The author of more than 100 scientific and educational works, including educational methodological complexes, study guides, articles in scientific journals, abstracts of conferences