Natalya N. Krasovskaya

Candidate of Sociology, Associate Professor

 Google Scholar Citations


1. Social work: theory and organization: Textbook / Ed. Ukrainian P.P.—Mn.: TetraSystems, 2007.—288 p.
2. Tratinko, T.V. Social work with minors at risk: a manual / T.V. Tratinko, N.N. Krasovskaya. – Minsk: Institute of Business of BSU, 2018. – 263 p. (recommended by the educational and methodological association for humanitarian education as a manual for students studying in the specialty 1-86 01 01 “Social work (in areas)”).
3. Tratinko, T. V. Technologies of working with minors at social risk [Electronic resource]: educational method. allowance / T.V. Tratinko, N.N. Krasovskaya. – Minsk: BSU, 2020. – 307 p. ISBN 978-985-556-999-0 (recommended by the Educational and Methodological Association for Humanitarian Education as an educational and methodological manual for students of higher education institutions studying in the specialty 1-86 01 01 “Social work (in areas).”


Educational and methodological aids:
4. Ukrainian, P.P. The beginnings of social work: Lecture notes for consultations / P.P. Ukrainian, N.N. Krasovskaya. - Minsk: Institute of Modern Knowledge, 2001. - 92 p.
5. Ukrainian, P.P. Theory and organization of social work: Educational method. allowance / P.P. Ukrainian, N.N. Krasovskaya. - Minsk: FUST BSU, 2003. - 21 p.


Typical programs:
6. Model program in the discipline “Theory of Social Work” for students studying in the specialty of social work (registration No. TD - M. 005/type dated December 11, 2012).
7. Theoretical foundations of social work: standard curriculum for the academic discipline for the specialty: 1-86 01 01 Social work (in areas) (reg. No. TD-M.018/type dated 02/02/2017) / N. N Krasovskaya, K.V. Stvolygin; GIUST BSU, Dept. social work and rehabilitation science. – Minsk: GIUST BSU, 2017. Access mode:
8. Economic and managerial foundations of social work: standard curriculum for the academic discipline for the specialty: 1-86 01 01 Social work (in areas) (reg. No. TD-M.017/type from 02.02.2017) / E A. Kienya, A. A. Urbanovich, N. N. Krasovskaya; GIUST BSU, Dept. social work and rehabilitation science. – Minsk: GIUST BSU, 2017. Access mode:


Educational and methodological complexes:
9. Krasovskaya, N. N. History of social work: educational method. complex for specialty 1-86 01 01 “Social work (in areas)” / N. N. Krasovskaya; GIUST BSU, Dept. social work and rehabilitation science. – Minsk: GIUST BSU, 2016. – 105 p. – Bibliography: p. 104-105. Access mode: Cap. from the screen. No. 004317052016. Dep. at BSU 05.2016.
10. Krasovskaya, N. N. Theory of social work: educational method. complex for specialty 1-86 01 01 “Social work (in areas)” / N. N. Krasovskaya; GIUST BSU, Dept. social work and rehabilitation science. – Minsk: GIUST BSU, 2016. – 102 p. – Bibliography: p. 104-1025. Access mode: Cap. from the screen. No. Dep. at BSU on May 17, 2016.
11. Krasovskaya, N. N. Management and marketing in the social sphere: educational method. complex for specialty 1-86 01 01 “Social work (in areas)” / N. N. Krasovskaya; GIUST BSU, Dept. social work and rehabilitation science. – Minsk: GIUST BSU, 2016. – 126 p. – Bibliography: p. 104-105. Access mode: Cap. from the screen. No. 00 4517052016. Dep. at BSU 05.2016.
12. Krasovskaya, N. N. Methods and technologies of social work: educational method. complex for specialty 1-86 01 01 “Social work (in areas)” / N. N. Krasovskaya; GIUST BSU, Dept. social work and rehabilitation science. – Minsk: GIUST BSU, 2018. – 135 p. – Bibliography: p. 134-135. Access mode: Cap. from the screen. No. Dep. at BSU on June 29, 2018.


13. Krasovskaya, N.N. New trends in the activities of the social protection system of the population of the Republic of Belarus / N. N. Krasovskaya // Sociology. - 2002. - No. 2. - P. 86-90.
14. Krasovskaya, N.N. System of protection of motherhood and childhood of the Republic of Belarus: state, problems, prospects / N. N. Krasovskaya // Bulletin of the Belarusian State University. Gray 3.— 2002.— No. 3.— P. 70—75.
15. Krasovskaya, N.N. Formation of a new concept of social protection: substantive and organizational and managerial aspects / N. N. Krasovskaya // Kiravanne i adukatsiya. - 2003. - No. 3. - P. 105-118.
16. Krasovskaya, N.N. Training of personnel for the social protection system: state of the art, problems, prospects / N. N. Krasovskaya // Scientific works of the GIUST BSU / Editorial Board: Brigadin P.I. and others. - Mn.: GIUST BSU, 2004. - P. 59-75.
17. Krasovskaya, N.N. Organization of the system of social protection of the population of the Republic of Belarus: new forms and services / N. N. Krasovskaya // Social pedagogical work. - 2006. - No. 9. - P. 15-22.

18. Krasovskaya, N.N. Evolution of the social protection system in the conditions of transformation of Belarusian society: sociological analysis / N. N. Krasovskaya // Scientific works of GIUST BSU. - Mn.: GIUST BSU, 2007. pp. 66-77.
19. Krasovskaya, N.N. Sociological analysis of social problems of modern Belarusian society / N. N. Krasovskaya // Bulletin of the Belarusian State University. Gray - 2008. - No. 3. – P. 59-64.
20. Krasovskaya, N.N. Ways of development of social work / N. N. Krasovskaya // Kiravanne ў adukatsi. – 2008.— No. 12. – P. 47-52.
21. Ukrainian, P.P. Social orphanhood in the mirror of sociology / P. P. Ukrainian, N. N. Krasovskaya, E. V. Shpakovskaya // Sociology. - 2009. - No. 1 - P. 5-10.
22. Krasovskaya, N.N. Life arrangement for orphans / N. N. Krasovskaya // Satsyalna pedagogical work. — 2009.— No. 7. – P.86-90.
23. Krasovskaya, N.N. A new look at old problems / N. N. Krasovskaya // Occupational safety and social protection. – 2010.— No. 14. – P. 49-51.
24. Blagenkova, N.P. Volunteer activity in the context of professional education of future social work specialists / N. P. Blagenkova, N. N. Krasovskaya, T. V. Tratinko // Current problems of the theory and practice of social work with families and children: a collection of scientific works / Ed. A.Yu. Rykuna, Yu.A. Puchkina. – Tomsk: Publishing House of the IOA SB RAS, 2010. – P. 233 – 236.
25. Krasovskaya, N.N. Development of cognitive activity of a student’s personality N. N. Krasovskaya // Higher school. – 2011.— No. 3. – P. 73-76.
26. Krasovskaya, N.N. Deinstitutionalization as a condition for the formation of social adaptation of orphans / N. N. Krasovskaya // Social pedagogical work. — 2012.— No. 6. – P.8-11.
27. Tratinko, T. V. Project activity in preparing a future specialist for social work with at-risk minors / T. V. Tratinko, N. N. Krasovskaya // Current issues in the theory and practice of social work in a changing world: Materials of the All-Russian scientific. -pract. conf. with international participation, dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the opening of the specialty “social work” at Tomsk State University / Collection of scientific papers / ed. Yu.A. Puchkina. Tomsk: Publishing house IOA SB RAS, 2013. – P. 204-209.
28. Krasovskaya, N. N. The emergence of social work and the specifics of its early forms and methods / N. N. Krasovskaya // Philosophy and social sciences. – 2014. No. 4. – P. 56-61.
29. Krasovskaya, N. N. Social work in the early historical period: the emergence of early forms and methods / N. N. Krasovskaya // Dialogue: psychological and social-pedagogical journal. – 2016. No. 1. – P. 30-39.
30. Krasovskaya, N. N. Research work in the training of future specialists in social work / N. N. Krasovskaya // Current trends in social communications: history and modernity: Materials of the All-Russian scientific and practical conference with international participation, Izhevsk, October 30, 2016 / Collection of scientific articles. – Izhevsk: Udmurt University Publishing House, 2016. – P. 109-113.
31. Krasovskaya, N. N. Research work of students as an important component of the training of qualified specialists / N. N. Krasovskaya // Current issues of social work with various categories of the population: materials of the IV interregional scientific-practical conference. conf. with international participation, Kirov, March 31, 2017 / Collection of articles / ed. I. V. Sheshunova. – Kirov: Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Kirov State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia, 2017. – P. 61-66.
32. Krasovskaya, N. N. Features of solving social problems in the first post-revolutionary period in Soviet Russia / N. N. Krasovskaya // International scientific and practical Petersburg readings. To the 100th anniversary of the Great Russian Revolution of 1917: materials of the International. scientific-practical Conf., St. Petersburg, November 15-18, 2017. At 3 p.m. Part II. / Digest of articles. St. Petersburg: Higher School of Technology and Energy, 2018. – P. 17-26.
33. Krasovskaya, N. N. Social work as a direction of higher professional education based on a medical specialty / N. N. Krasovskaya, V. K. Milkamanovich // Medical knowledge. – 2018. – No. 3. –S. 28-29.
34. Krasovskaya, N. N. New approaches and prospects for work in the field of social protection of family and childhood / N. N. Krasovskaya // Dialogue: psychological and social-pedagogical journal. – 2018. No. 6. – P. 23-27.
35. Krasovskaya, N. N. Integrated solution of social problems of the population by public organizations of the Republic of Belarus // N. N. Krasovskaya // Youth organizations of the XX-XXI centuries: experience, lessons, prospects: materials of the All-Russian scientific and practical. conf. with international participation, Belgorod, 16 October 18, 2018 / Belgorod State National Research University / ed. I.S. Shapovalova / Collection of articles. – Belgorod, 2018. P. 26-29.

36. Krasovskaya, N. N. The origin and formation of social work: Christian origins / N. N. Krasovskaya // International scientific and practical Petersburg readings. Russian world: ways of civilizational interactions: materials of the International. scientific-practical conf., St. Petersburg, November 15-17, 2018. At 3 p.m. Part II. / Digest of articles. St. Petersburg: Higher School of Technology and Energy, 2019. P. 39-43.
37. Krasovskaya, N.N. Social policy as a priority guideline for social work / N.N. Krasovskaya // Conditions, imperatives and alternatives for the development of modern society during periods of instability: economics, management, socionomy, law: collection of scientific papers / ed. E.V. Korolyuk. Krasnodar: Publishing house Krasnodar CNTI - branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "REA" of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, 2020. - P. 306-311.
38. Krasovskaya, N. N. Features of solving youth problems in the social protection system of the Republic of Belarus / N. N. Krasovskaya // Social work in the modern world: interaction of science, education and practice: problems of children and youth in the context of social and humanitarian research: materials of the XI International. scientific-practical conference dedicated to the decade of childhood in Russia, Belgorod, November 28, 2019 / Collection of scientific articles / ed. K.Yu. Koroleva, E.I. Mozgovoy, I.G. Voloshina, M.E. Polenova. – Belgorod: Epicenter LLC, 2019. – P. 177-180.
39. Krasovskaya, N. N. Volunteer activities of student youth: its role in the process of professional formation and development // Current problems of psychology and pedagogy in modern education: collection of articles of the IV International. scientific-practical conf., Yaroslavl Minsk, March 12, 2020 / under scientific. ed. E.V. Karpova. – Yaroslavl: RIO YAGPU, 2020. P. 117-118.
40. Tratinko, T.V. Volunteer activities of student youth: management aspect / T.V. Tratinko, N.N. Krasovskaya // Modern youth and society: collection of scientific articles. Vol. 8: Social, cultural and international communication of youth / scientifically. ed. I.I. Kalacheva. – Minsk: RIVSH, 2020. – P. 41-47.
41. Krasovskaya, N.N. Youth today: problems and solutions in the Republic of Belarus / N.N. Krasovskaya // Social work in the modern world: interaction of science, education and practice: collection of scientific articles XII International. scientific-practical Conf., Belgorod, November 27, 2020 / ed. K.Yu. Koroleva, E.I. Mozgovoy, I.G. Voloshina, I.K. Svishcheva. Belgorod: Cosmos LLC, 2021. – P. 9-11.
42. Krasovskaya, N.N. Social work with older people in the Republic of Belarus: main areas of activity / N.N. Krasovskaya // Autumn Spring about the quality of life of older people: in 2 volumes. T.2. Spring autumn. Selected problems of elderly people / editorial board: M. Stenzel [et al.]. Lublin: Scientific publishing house Innovatio Press, 2021. – P. 32-36.
43. Krasovskaya, N.N. The relationship between value orientations and life satisfaction among young people and the older generation in the family / N.N. Krasovskaya // Spring of autumn, life satisfaction among older people: in 3 volumes. T.3. Spring autumn. Selected aspects of life satisfaction in older people / editorial board: M. Stenzel [et al.]. Lublin: Scientific publishing house Innovatio Press, 2021. – pp. 211-218.
44. Krasovskaya, N.N. Methods and technologies of social work in the education system: Belarusian experience / N.N. Krasovskaya // Modern trends in the development of general and university education: a collection of scientific articles of the All-Russian Scientific and Practical. Conf., Yaroslavl, December 1, 2021 / ed. E.V. Karpova. – Yaroslavl: RIO YAGPU, 2021. – P. 240-243.
45. Krasovskaya, N.N. Modern educational system: new approaches / N.N. Krasovskaya // Current problems of psychology and pedagogy in modern education: collection of scientific articles VI International. scientific-practical Conf., Yaroslavl, May 16, 2022 / ed. E.V. Karpova. – Yaroslavl: RIO YAGPU, 2022. – P. 166-169.
46. Krasovskaya, N.N. Main directions of socio-psychological work with maladjusted children and adolescents / N.N. Krasovskaya // Modern trends in the development of general and university education: collection of scientific articles II All-Russian. scientific-practical Conf., Yaroslavl, December 1, 2022 / ed. E.V. Karpova. – Yaroslavl: RIO YAGPU, 2022. – P. 206-209.
47. Krasovskaya, N. N. Formation of a system of social assistance to children and adolescents in Belarus (X early XX centuries) / N. N. Krasovskaya // Modern youth and society: collection of scientific articles / under scientific. ed. I.I. Kalacheva. – Minsk: RIVSH, 2023. – pp. 23-29.


Conference materials:
48. Krasovskaya, N. N. Tourism and social protection of the population: opportunities and problems of interaction / N. N. Krasovskaya // Tourism: economics and social and cultural aspects of development: Abstracts. report intercollegiate scientific pract. Conf.: Part 2, Minsk, November 30, 2000 / Int. activities.—Minsk, 2000.—P. 31-33.
49. Krasovskaya, N. N. Christian origins of modern social work / N. N. Krasovskaya // Christian values in modern culture (to the 2000th anniversary of Christianity): Materials of the International. scientific Conf.: Part 2, Minsk, December 20, 2000 / BSU. - Minsk, 2001. - P. 76-77.
50. Krasovskaya, N. N. Preventive component in the modern system of social protection of the individual / N. N. Krasovskaya // Personality - Word - Society: Scientific materials. pract. Conf., Minsk, February 21-22, 2001 / Institute of modern knowledge. - Minsk, 2001. - P. 28-32.
51. Krasovskaya, N. N. Some issues of personnel training for the system of social protection of the population / N. N. Krasovskaya // Commercial activity and entrepreneurship in the Republic of Belarus: realities and prospects: Abstracts. report intercollegiate scientific pract. Conf., 2001 / Int. activities.—Minsk, 2001.—P. 18-20.
52. Krasovskaya, N. N. Training of social workers as the most important aspect of the humanitarization of the modern education system / N. N. Krasovskaya // Science and education in the conditions of social and economic transformation of society: Abstract. report intl. scientific Conf., May 17-18, 2001 / Institute of modern knowledge. Vitebsk branch. - Vitebsk, 2001. - pp. 65-67.
53. Krasovskaya, N. N. Expanding the space of social work in the conditions of modernization of society / N. N. Krasovskaya // Personality - Word - Society: Materials of the II scientific. pract. Conf., Minsk, 2002 / Institute of modern knowledge. - Minsk, 2002. - P. 3-8.
54. Krasovskaya, N. N. Communication skills in social work / N. N. Krasovskaya // The phenomenon of communication in social and humanitarian knowledge and education: Materials of the international. scientific pract. Conf., May 12, 2002 / BSU. - Minsk, 2002. - P. 79.
55. Krasovskaya, N. N. Current problems of training social workers / N. N. Krasovskaya // Personality - Word - Society: Materials of the III scientific. pract. Conf., Minsk, 2003 / Institute of modern knowledge. - Minsk, 2003. - P. 79-83.
56. Krasovskaya, N. N. Personnel training for the social protection system: state and problems / N. N. Krasovskaya // Medical social ecology of personality: state and prospects: Materials of the II International. Conf., April 2-3, 2004 / BSU. - Minsk, 2004. - P. 33-36.
57. Krasovskaya, N. N. Features of social work in modern conditions: state, problems and development paths / N. N. Krasovskaya // Personality - Word - Society: Materials of the IV scientific. pract. Conf., Minsk, April 14-16, 2004 / Institute of modern knowledge. - Minsk, 2004. - P. 263-266.
58. Krasovskaya, N. N. Human personality as a central link in modern theory and practice of social work / N. N. Krasovskaya // Medical social ecology of personality: state and prospects: Materials of the III International. Conf., April 1-2, 2005 / BSU. - Minsk, 2005. - P. 37-39.
59. Krasovskaya, N. N. Supervisory support as a necessary condition for improving the professional skills of a social worker / N. N. Krasovskaya // Personality - Word - Society: Materials of the VI scientific. pract. Conf., Minsk, April 19, 20, 2006 / Institute of modern knowledge. - Minsk, 2006. - P. 141-143.
60. Krasovskaya, N. N. Systemic nature of social work and justification for the need to integrate the efforts of various services and departments in solving problems of social protection of the population / N. N. Krasovskaya // Personality - Word - Society: Materials of the VII scientific. pract. Conf., Minsk, April 2007 / Institute of modern knowledge. - Minsk, 2007. - P. 233-235.
61. Krasovskaya, N. N. Some features of the organization of social protection of the population of the Republic of Belarus / N. N. Krasovskaya // Social work: theory, training, practice: Materials of the international. scientific pract. Conf., Minsk, November 2-3, 2006 / GIUST BSU. - Minsk, 2007. - P. 133-135.
62. Krasovskaya, N. N. Experience of social services for disabled people abroad / N. N. Krasovskaya // Personality - Word - Society: Materials of the VIII scientific. pract. Conf., Minsk, April 2008 / Institute of modern knowledge. - Minsk, 2008. - P. 40-44.
63. Krasovskaya, N. N. Social partnership as a social phenomenon: essence and basic principles / N. N. Krasovskaya // Paths, trends and directions of development of the social sphere: Materials of the International. scientific pract. Conf., Vitebsk, May 23, 2008 / Vitebsk State University named after. P.M. Masherov.—Vitebsk, 2008.—P. 10-13.
64. Krasovskaya, N. N. Theoretical concepts of social work, their specificity and role in human protection activities in the Republic of Belarus / N. N. Krasovskaya // Personality - Word - Society: Materials of X scientific. pract. Conf., Minsk, April 2009 / Institute of modern knowledge. - Minsk, 2009. – pp. 53–55.

65. Krasovskaya, N. N. The role of the course “Theory of Social Work” in the professional development of a specialist / N. N. Krasovskaya // Educational standard for social work: methodological support, prospects for the development of the specialty: Materials of the Republic. scientific pract. Conf., Minsk, April 20, 2010 / GIUST BSU; Editorial Board: G.A. Butrim [and others]. – Minsk, 2010. P. 24-25.
66. Krasovskaya, N. N. Charitable activities as the basis of professional skills of future social work specialists / N. N. Krasovskaya, T. V. Tratinko // Personality - Word - Society: Materials of X scientific. pract. Conf., Minsk, April 2010 / Institute of Modern Knowledge named after. A.M. Shirokova.— Minsk, 2010. – P. 107-109.
67. Krasovskaya, N. N. Activities of the curator in the formation of the professional orientation of students’ personalities / N. N. Krasovskaya, T. V. Tratinko // Scientific aspirations - 2010: Materials of the I Rep. youth scientific pract. conf. with international participation, Minsk, November 1-3, 2010 / NAS of Belarus. – Minsk, 2010. P. 28-31.
68. Krasovskaya, N. N. Man as an object of social protection in the system of interdisciplinary integrative interactions / N. N. Krasovskaya // Civilization identity in the era of globalization: Materials of the International. youth. scientific Conf., Minsk, March 2011 / Belor. state Univ. - Minsk, 2011. - pp. 162-167.
69. Krasovskaya, N. N. Some forms of development of cognitive activity of a student’s personality in the process of his professional training / N. N. Krasovskaya // TechnoOBRAZ 2011: Materials of the VIII International. Conf., Grodno, 17 March 18, 2011 At 4 o'clock. Part 4. / Grodno State. Univ. - Grodno, 2011. - P. 88-92.
70. Krasovskaya, N. N. National model of social protection of the population of the Republic of Belarus: main achievements and prospects / N. N. Krasovskaya // Current problems of development of the sphere of social protection: introduction of innovative technologies, scientific, methodological and personnel support: Materials of the International. scientifically practical. Conf., Minsk, April 5, 2011 / GIUST BSU. - Minsk, 2011. - P. 95-101.
71. Krasovskaya, N. N. Preparing orphans for independent life (using the example of the SOS Children's Village) / N. N. Krasovskaya // Personality - Word - Society: Materials of X scientific. pract. Conf., Minsk, 29 April 30, 2011 / Institute of Modern Knowledge named after. A.M. Shirokova.— Minsk, 2011. – P. 46-51.
72. Krasovskaya, N. N. Formation of cognitive activity of students in the conditions of innovative learning in the university education system (using the example of the specialty “social work”) / N. N. Krasovskaya, T. V. Tratinko // Modern problems of the development of human society: Materials VII scientific. pract. Conf., Odessa, London, 21 July 28, 2011, pp. 24-27.
73. Krasovskaya, N. N. Family forms of placement of orphans in the Republic of Belarus / N. N. Krasovskaya // Social psychological problems of modern family and education: Materials of the International. scientific pract. conf., Moscow, October 1-2, 2011 / St. Sergius Orthodox Theological Academy. - Moscow, 2011. - P. 530-533.
74. Krasovskaya, N. N. Forms and methods of developing a student’s cognitive activity / N. N. Krasovskaya // Higher school: problems and prospects: Materials of the X International. Scientific and methodological conference, Minsk, November 10, 2011 / RIVSH BSU. Minsk, 2011. – P. 57-60.
75. Krasovskaya, N. N. Organization of training sessions on the course “Theory of Social Work” in the process of training specialists in social work / N. N. Krasovskaya // Acmeological foundations of the formation of a professional specialist in various types of activities: Materials of the International. scientific-practical Conf., Gomel, 24 November 25, 2011 / Gomel Regional Institute for Educational Development. Gomel, 2011. – P. 155-158.
76. Krasovskaya, N. N. Social problems of women and measures to improve their position in modern Belarusian society / N. N. Krasovskaya // Family and woman in the modern world: social and cultural aspects: Materials of the International. scientific Conf., Minsk, February 2, 2012. Minsk, 2012. – P. 429-430.
77. Krasovskaya, N. N. Supervisory support as a new direction in the activities of a social work specialist / N. N. Krasovskaya // Psychological social work in modern society: problems and solutions: Materials of the International. scientific-practical Conf., St. Petersburg, 19 April 21, 2012 / St. Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work. St. Petersburg, 2012. – P. 264-267.
78. Krasovskaya, N. N. Current problems of training professional social workers in the system of higher education of the Republic of Belarus / N. N. Krasovskaya // Theory and practice of psychological and pedagogical support of the individual at different stages of life: Materials of the International. scientific-practical Conf., Pskov, 26 April 28, 2012 Pskov, 2012. – P. 183-187.

79. Krasovskaya, N. N. Human personality as the central link of modern social work in the system of interdisciplinary integrative interactions / N. N. Krasovskaya // Current problems of social competence of the individual: development resources: Materials of the IV International. scientific-practical conf., Ulyanovsk, September 28, 2012 / Ulyanovsk State University. Ulyanovsk, 2012. – P. 187-190.
80. Krasovskaya, N. N. Student Olympiad as a new form of development of practical skills among future social work specialists / N. N. Krasovskaya // Innovative forms of student practice at the university: Materials of the All-Russian scientific and practical. conf. teachers, graduate students, students and practitioners in social work, Syktyvkar, June 7, 2012 / Syktyvkar State University. Syktyvkar, 2012. – P. 53-56.
81. Krasovskaya, N. N. Social problems of modern youth. State youth policy of the Republic of Belarus / N. N. Krasovskaya // Youth and management in the 21st century: Materials of the V All-Russian scientific and practical conference. conf. students, undergraduates and graduate students, Ekaterinburg, December 2012. Ekaterinburg, 2012. – P. 164 -168.
82. Krasovskaya, N. N. Social problems of women and measures to improve their situation in the Republic of Belarus / N. N. Krasovskaya // Priorities of the intellectual elite in the development of world civilization: Materials of the Interuniversity scientific theory. Conf., Minsk, April 26, 2013 / International Humanitarian-Economic Institute. – Minsk, 2013. P. 43- 46.
83. Krasovskaya, N. N. The role of confessional social work in the development of the social assistance system / N. N. Krasovskaya // Dovgird readings IV: trends in the spiritual and moral development of modern society: Materials of the International. scientific Conf., Minsk, 16 May 17, 2013 / Institute of Philosophy of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Minsk, 2013. pp. 453 -455.
84. Krasovskaya, N. N. Confessional social work: role in the development of social charity / N. N. Krasovskaya // Social service of the Orthodox Church: problems, practices, prospects: Materials of the All-Russian scientific and practical. Conf., St. Petersburg, June 7-8, 2013. St. Petersburg, 2013. – P. 169 -172.
85. Krasovskaya, N. N. Student Olympiad as an effective form of self-development of a future social work specialist / N. N. Krasovskaya // Intellectual culture of Belarus: origins, traditions, research methodology: Materials of the 1st international. scientific Conf., Minsk, November 13-14, 2014 / Institute of Philosophy of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Minsk, 2014. – P. 245 -246.
86. Krasovskaya, N. N. Development of cognitive activity is an important component of the training of future social work specialists / N. N. Krasovskaya // Personality of a specialist: development, education, health: Materials of the V-th correspondence International. scientific-practical Internet conferences, Omsk, November 15, 2014 / Omsk State University. F.M. Dostoevsky. Omsk, 2014. – P. 101 -106.
87. Krasovskaya, N. N. Early forms of social protection: the history of their origin / N. N. Krasovskaya // Social and humanitarian knowledge: Materials of the XI Republic. scientific conf. young scientists and graduate students, Minsk, November 27, 2014 / Republican Institute of Higher Education. Minsk, 2014. – P. 49 -53.
88. Krasovskaya, N. N. Preparation of SOS Children's Village pupils for independent life as a form of public social protection / N. N. Krasovskaya // Social work in the modern world: interaction of science, education and practice: Materials of the IV International. scientific-practical Conf., Belgorod, 27 November 28, 2014 / Belgorod State National Research University. – Belgorod, 2014. P. 199 205.
89. Krasovskaya, N. N. Participation in volunteer activities as a necessary condition for the professional skills of future social work specialists / N. N. Krasovskaya // Volunteering: history, experience, prospects: Materials of the IV Republic. scientific-practical conf., Grodno, March 2015 / Grodno district women's organization “Nadezhda”. – Grodno, 2015. P. 187-189.

90. Krasovskaya, N. N. Development of cognitive activity as a necessary condition for the professional training of future social work specialists / N. N. Krasovskaya // Social work in the modern world: interaction of science, education and practice: Materials of the V International. scientific-practical Conf., Belgorod, 26 November 27, 2015 / Belgorod State National Research University. – Belgorod, 2015. P. 168 -173.
91. Krasovskaya, N. N. Social protection of the family in the Republic of Belarus: problems, main directions of activity and development prospects / N. N. Krasovskaya // Social protection and personal health in the context of the implementation of human rights: science, education, practice: Materials of the International . scientific-practical Conf., Minsk, November 26−27, 2015 / State Institute of Management and Social Technologies of BSU. – Minsk, 2016. P. 379 -384.
92. Krasovskaya, N. N. Formation of a system of measures to protect women: status and current problems / N. N. Krasovskaya // Peace for women - women for the world: Materials of the 5th International. scientific-practical conf., Grodno, May 21, 2016 / comp. : L. V. Kashenkova [and others]. – Grodno: “YurSaPrint”, 2016. – P.232- 235.
93. Krasovskaya, N. N. Social and psychological characteristics of older people and measures for their social protection / N. N. Krasovskaya // Social work in the modern world: interaction of science, education and practice: Materials of the VIII International. scientific-practical Conf., Belgorod, November 30 - December 1, 2016 - Belgorod: Publishing House "Belgorod" National Research University "BelSU", 2016. - Moscow: Publishing House "Pero", 2016. P.64 -68.
94. Krasovskaya, N. N. Some aspects of the emergence of social work in the early stages of the development of Belarusian society / N. N. Krasovskaya // Forms and methods of social work in various spheres of life: Materials of the V International scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 25th anniversary of social work in Russia, Ulan-Ude, December 8-9, 2016 – Ulan-Ude: VSGUTU Publishing House, 2016. –P. 170-172.
95. Krasovskaya, N. N. Research work of students as an important component of the training of qualified specialists / N. N. Krasovskaya // Current issues of social work with various categories of the population: Collection of articles of the IV interregional scientific and practical. conf. with international participation, Kirov, March 31, 2017 / Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Kirov State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia; ed. I. V. Sheshunov [and others]. – Kirov: Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Kirov State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia, 2017. – P. 61-66.
96. Krasovskaya, N. N. Directions of social assistance during the Great Patriotic War / N. N. Krasovskaya // When history speaks: realities of the past and present: Materials of the 6th International. scientific-practical conf., Grodno, April 29, 2017 / comp. : L. V. Kashenkova [and others]. – Grodno: “YurSaPrint”, 2017. – P. 30 -32.
97. Krasovskaya, N. N. Analysis of the problem of reproductive health of youth and adolescents in the Republic of Belarus / N. N. Krasovskaya // Basic aspects of protecting the reproductive health of adolescents: Materials of the All-Russian scientific and practical. Conf., Novosibirsk, November 17, 2017. Novosibirsk: Sibmedizdat, 2017. – P. 64 -66.
98. Krasovskaya, N. N. Gender inequality as an urgent problem of modern society / N. N. Krasovskaya // Forms and methods of social work in various spheres of life: Materials of the V International Scientific and Practical Conference dedicated to the 55th anniversary of the East Siberian State University technology and management, Ulan-Ude, December 7-8, 2017 / rep. ed. Yu.Yu. Shurygina. – Ulan-Ude: Publishing House VSGUTU, 2017. – P. 164 -166.
99. Krasovskaya, N. N. Specificity of the interaction of organizational and managerial activities with social policy / N. N. Krasovskaya // Social work in the modern world: interaction of science, education and practice: Materials of the IX International. scientific-practical Conf., Belgorod, 27 November 28, 2017 / Belgorod State National Research University / ed. O.A. Volkova. – Belgorod, 2017. P. 71 -76.
100. Krasovskaya, N. N. Social problems of modern women and gender inequality / N. N. Krasovskaya // Gender in focus: Materials of the International. scientific-practical conf., Minsk, November 22-23, 2017 / Belarusian National Technical University. Minsk, 2018. pp. 251-255.
101. Krasovskaya, N. N. Research work and project activities in the preparation of future specialists in social work / N. N. Krasovskaya // Educational and research activities of students: realities and prospects: Materials of the 2nd All-Russian scientific and practical conference with international participation, Omsk, April 21, 2018 / Rep. ed. E. S. Asmokovets - Omsk: Publishing house. KAS Center, 2018. – P. 148 -154.
102. Krasovskaya, N. N. Reproductive health as the basis of a healthy lifestyle for modern youth / N. N. Krasovskaya // Ecological priorities and future priorities: Materials of the 7th Republic. scientific-practical conf., Grodno, May 25, 2018 / comp. : L. V. Kashenkova [and others]. – Grodno: “YurSaPrint”, 2018. – pp. 21 -24.

103. Krasovskaya, N.N. The value of a person in the modern system of social protection / N.N. Krasovskaya // Intellectual culture of Belarus: Methodological capital of philosophy and contours of transdisciplinary synthesis of knowledge: Materials of the 3rd international. scientific Conf., Minsk, November 15-16, 2018. In 3 volumes. T. II. / Institute of Philosophy of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. – Minsk: Four Quarters, 2018. – P. 128 -131.
104. Krasovskaya, N.N. Reproductive health as an important component of a healthy lifestyle for youth and adolescents / N.N. Krasovskaya // Basic aspects of protecting the reproductive health of adolescents: Materials of the II All-Russian scientific and practical. Conf., Novosibirsk, November 23, 2018. Novosibirsk: Sibmedizdat, 2018. – P. 55 -57.
105. Krasovskaya, N. N. Evolution of views on issues of social protection of the population in the conditions of transformation of societies / N. N. Krasovskaya // Social work in the modern world: interaction of science, education and practice: Materials of the anniversary X International. scientific-practical Conf., Belgorod, 27 November 28, 2018 / Belgorod State National Research University / ed. K.Yu. Queen. – Belgorod, 2018. P. 169 -172.
106. Krasovskaya, N.N. Overcoming stereotypes and the development of modern theoretical concepts of social work / N.N. Krasovskaya // Current problems of theory and practice of social work and education: Materials of the IV All-Russian scientific and practical conference. conf. with international participation, Stavropol, November 23, 2018 Stavropol: AGRUS of the Stavropol State. Agrarian University, 2018. – pp. 53-59.
107. Krasovskaya, N.N. Some issues of the development of the social protection system: historical aspect / N.N. Krasovskaya // Forms and methods of social work in various spheres of life: materials of the VII International. scientific-practical Conf., Ulan-Ude, December 6-7, 2018 / rep. ed. Yu.Yu. Shurygina. – Ulan-Ude: Publishing house VSGUTU, 2018. – P. 162.
108. Krasovskaya, N.N. Volunteer initiative as a necessary component of the professional development of a future specialist / N.N. Krasovskaya // Current problems of psychology and pedagogy in modern education: materials of the III International. scientific-practical conf., Yaroslavl, March 28, 2019 / rep. ed. Yu.Yu. Shurygina. – Yaroslavl: VSGUTU Publishing House, 2019. – P. 54 -57.
109. Krasovskaya, N.N. Social management: features of the interaction of subjects and objects / N.N. Krasovskaya // Economics and management: key problems and development prospects: materials of the IX International. scientific-practical Conf., Tikhoretsk, April 26, 2019 / ed. E.V. Korolyuk. – Krasnodar: Publishing house Krasnodar CNTI – branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution “REA” of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, 2019. – P. 124 – 128.
110. Krasovskaya, N.N. Social support in the war and post-war periods: main directions / N.N. Krasovskaya // Centennial days of summoning: materials of the Republican scientific and practical. conference dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Belarus from the Nazi invaders, Gomel, May 2, 2019 / under the general. ed. E.G. Kirichenko. – Gomel: BelGUT, 2019. – P. 133 -136.
111. Krasovskaya, N.N. Professionalization of social work: experience, problems, prospects / N.N. Krasovskaya // Philosophy and social sciences in the modern world: materials of the International. scientific conf. to the 30th anniversary of the faculty. philosophy and social Sciences Belarus. state University, Minsk, September 26-27, 2019 / Ed. count : V.F. Gigin (prev.) and others - Minsk: BSU, 2019. - P. 407 -411.
112. Krasovskaya, N.N. Social work as a factor in the humanization of society / N.N. Krasovskaya // Intellectual culture of Belarus: cognitive and prognostic potential of socio-philosophical knowledge: materials of the 4th international. scientific Conf., Minsk, November 14-15, 2019. In 2 volumes. T. 2. / Institute of Philosophy of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus; redol. A.A. Lazarevich et al. - Minsk: Four Quarters, 2019. - P. 143 -146.
113. Krasovskaya N.N. Social work in modern society: mission and development prospects / N.N. Krasovskaya // Specifics and prospects of career guidance for schoolchildren and students of social and humanitarian profile: collection of scientific methods. materials XVII scientific-method. conf. Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences of the Belarusian State University, March 31, 2020 / BSU, Faculty. philosophy and social sciences; [comp. O. V. Kurbacheva]. – Minsk: BSU, 2020. – P. 50 53.
114. Krasovskaya, N. N. Activating the role of the teacher in the system of professional training of future social work specialists // Current issues of scientific-methodological and educational-organizational work: a combination of classical approaches and innovative organizational-educational models and technologies: materials of the Republican Scientific Method . Conf., Gomel, March 12–13, 2020. Gomel, 2020. pp. 354 -357.

115. Krasovskaya, N. N. Institute of social work and its role in modern society // Interdisciplinary discourse on the research of the social phenomenon: materials of the International. scientific-practical Internet conferences, Kiev, March 31, 2020 – Kyiv: KNEU, 2020. – P. 17 -20.
116. Krasovskaya, N.N. Management in social work: conditions for effectiveness / N.N. Krasovskaya // Economics and management: key problems and development prospects: materials of the XI International. scientific-practical Conf., Tikhoretsk, October 23, 2020 / ed. E.V. Korolyuk. – Krasnodar: Publishing house Krasnodar CNTI – branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution “REA” of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, 2020. – P. 144 -148.
117. Krasovskaya, N.N. Professional employment in modern society: gender aspect / N.N. Krasovskaya // Intellectual culture of Belarus: spiritual and moral traditions and trends in innovative development: materials of the 5th international. scientific Conf., Minsk, November 19-20, 2020. In 3 volumes. T. 2. / Institute of Philosophy of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus; redol. A.A. Lazarevich et al. - Minsk: Four Quarters, 2020. - P. 185 -188.
118. Krasovskaya, N.N. Social policy and social protection of the population at the current stage of development of society / N.N. Krasovskaya // Innovation processes in science and technology of the XXI century: materials of the XVIII International. scientific-practical conf. students, graduate students, scientists, teaching staff and practitioners (Nizhnevartovsk, 2020), in 2 vols., T. 2, Nizhnevartovsk, October 2020 - Tyumen: TIU, 2021. - P. 32- 36.
119. Krasovskaya, N.N. Supervision as a form of increasing the professionalism of a social work specialist and his self-development / N.N. Krasovskaya // Problems of personal self-development in modern society: materials of the II International Scientific and Practical Conference, Kharkov, March 26-27, 2021 - Kharkov: Drukarnya Madrid, 2021. - P. 222 -224.
120. Krasovskaya, N.N. Social action in the system of social action / N.N. Krasovskaya // Economics and management: key problems and development prospects: materials of the XII International. scientific-practical Conf., Tikhoretsk, April 23, 2021 / ed. E.V. Korolyuk. – Krasnodar: Publishing house Krasnodar CNTI – branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution “REA” of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, 2021. – P. 153-159.
121. Krasovskaya, N. N. System-integrated approach to the theory and practice of social work: problems and trends / N.N. Krasovskaya // Philosophy and challenges of our time: materials of the Anniversary International. scientific conference for the 90th anniversary of the Institute of Philosophy of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk, April 15-16, 2021. In 3 volumes. T. 1. / Institute of Philosophy of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus; redol. A.A. Lazarevich et al. - Minsk: Four Quarters, 2021. - P. 283- 285.
122. Krasovskaya, N.N. Formation of a modern educational model: problems and innovations / N.N. Krasovskaya // Vectors of psychology: psychological and pedagogical support of the individual and ensuring his psychological safety in the social and digital environment: materials of the III International. correspondence scientific and practical work. conf., Gomel, July 1, 2021 / Gomel State University. F. Skorina; redol. : T.G. Shatyuk (chief editor) [and others]. Gomel: GSU, 2021. pp. 13 -16.
123. Krasovskaya, N.N. Psychological and pedagogical support for children and students in secondary education: Belarusian experience / N.N. Krasovskaya // Strategies for the development of society and social work. Fourth All-Russian scientific and practical conference with international participation: materials of reports and communications in the form of scientific articles, Rostov-on-Don, October 4-7, 2021 / Southern Federal University; editorial board: E.V. Serdyukova, L.S. Detochenko, P.Ya. Tsitkilov and others - Taganrog: Southern Federal University Publishing House, 2021. - P. 73 -78.
124. Krasovskaya, N.N. Supervision as a form of increasing professionalism and efficiency of a specialist / N.N. Krasovskaya // Innovative social and psychological technologies: from theory to practice: materials of the International. scientific-practical Festival of the Department of Social Work and Rehabilitation Science, Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences of the Belarusian State University, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the university, November 20, 2021 / BSU, Faculty. philosophy and social sciences; [editor: N.N. Krasovskaya (ed.), D.V. Voronovich, E.I. Klimushko]. – Minsk: BSU, 2021. P. 133- 136.
125. Krasovskaya, N. N. Accessible educational environment for people with special needs: problems and development prospects / N. N. Krasovskaya // Social practices and development of the urban environment: urbanism and innovation: materials of the International. scientific-practical conf., Minsk, November 25-26, 2021 / Belarus. state University; Editorial Board: I. V. Pinchuk (chief editor) [and others]. – Minsk: BSU, 2021. 1 electron. wholesale disk (CD-ROM). – ISBN 978-985-881-234-8. pp. 160 -164.

126. Krasovskaya, N.N. Technologies of social work with disadvantaged families in the Republic of Belarus / N.N. Krasovskaya // Current problems of theory and practice of social work and education: materials of the IX All-Russian scientific and practical conference. conf. with international participation, Stavropol, November 26, 2021 / under the general editorship. E.I. Zritneva, N.P. Klushina. – Stavropol: Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education “North Caucasus Federal University”, 2021. – P. 216- 219.
127. Krasovskaya, N. N. Organization of scientific research work of students at the Department of Social Work and Rehabilitation of the FFSN BSU / N. N. Krasovskaya // New trends in the training of social and humanitarian specialists: materials of the XIX scientific method conference. Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences of BSU, dedicated to the memory of Professor I.L. Zelenkova, March 31, 2022 / BSU, Faculty. philosophy and social sciences. – Minsk; [editor: N.V. Kurilovich (chief editor), O.G. Shavrova, D.V. Voronovich]. – Minsk: BSU, 2022. – P. 88- 91.
128. Krasovskaya, N.N. Scientific activity of students as a component of professional training of future social work specialists / N.N. Krasovskaya // Prospects for the development of higher education: materials of the III International. scientific-practical conf. 2022, Surgut, May 21, 2022. In 2 volumes. T. 2. / rep. ed. OK. Ilyashenko. – Tyumen: TIU, 2022. – P. 169 -173.
129. Krasovskaya, N.N. The influence of the social sphere and the social environment on the formation and improvement of social relations in society / N.N. Krasovskaya // Social knowledge in modern society: problems, patterns, prospects: materials of the III International. scientific-practical Conf., Minsk, November 3-4, 2022 / Ed. count : Myslivets N.L. (chief ed.) [etc.]; NAS of Belarus, Institute of Sociology NAS of Belarus. – Minsk: Donarit, 2022. –C. 140-142.
130. Krasovskaya, N.N. Trends in the development of professional social work in the 21st century / N.N. Krasovskaya // Intellectual culture of Belarus: problems of interpretation of philosophical heritage and modern tasks of humanitarian knowledge: materials of the 6th international. scientific Conf., Minsk, November 17-18, 2022. In 2 volumes. T. 1. / Institute of Philosophy of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus; redol. A.A. Lazarevich et al. - Minsk: Four Quarters, 2022. - P. 163 -165.
131. Krasovskaya, N.N. Improving independent and research work of students within the framework of organizing the educational process / N.N. Krasovskaya // New trends in the training of social and humanitarian specialists: materials of the XX scientific method conference. Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences of BSU, dedicated to the memory of Professor I.L. Zelenkova, March 31, 2023 / BSU, Faculty. philosophy and social sciences. – Minsk; [editor: N.V. Kurilovich (ed.), etc.]. – Minsk: BSU, 2023. – P. 127- 130.
132. Krasovskaya, N. N. Functions of social management: meaningful directions / N. N. Krasovskaya // Economics and management: key problems and development prospects: materials of the XVI International. scientific-practical Conf., Tikhoretsk, April 21, 2023 / ed. E.V. Korolyuk. – Krasnodar: Publishing house Krasnodar CNTI – branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution “REA” of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, 20231. – P. 180-185.