Konstantin V. StvolyginCandidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor
Google Scholar Citations
- Stvolygin, K.V. Refusals from military service due to beliefs in the Russian Empire: monograph / K.V. Strevolygin. - Minsk .: RIVSH, 2010 .-- 248 p.
- Stvolygin, K.V. Conscientious objection to military service in Russia (XIX-early XX centuries) / K.V. Strevolygin. Publishing House: LAPLAMBERTAcademicPublishing, 2013 .-- 215 p.
- Stvolygin, K.V. Refusals from military service due to beliefs in the Russian Empire: monograph / K.V. Strevolygin. - M .: Direct-Media, 2013. EBS "University Library Online". - 247 p.
- Stvolygin, K.V. Legal aspects of alternative service in social services of the population / K.V. Strevolygin // News of the Institute of Modern Knowledge. - 2005. - 1.S. 3-6.
- Stvolygin, K.V. Alternative service of the Mennonites in pre-revolutionary Russia / K.V. Stvolygin // Scientific works of the Republican Institute of Higher Education: Historical and Psychological-Pedagogical Sciences: Collection of articles. scientific. Art. Issue 4 (9) / under. ed. V.F. Berkova. - Minsk: RIVSH, 2007 .-- S. 184-188.
- Stvolygin, K.V. Prospects for the introduction of alternative service in the Republic of Belarus: socio-psychological aspect / K.V. Strevolygin // Science I Relief. Naukovo-prakticheskiy magazine Pidennogo naukova center APN Ukraine. - No. 4-5. - 2008 .-- p. 44-48.
- Stvolygin, K.V. Institute of Alternative Civil Service in the Russian Empire (XIX - early XX century) / K.V. Stvolygin // Bulletin of the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus. - 2008 .-- 2 (16). - S. 27-32.
- Stvolygin, K.V. Refusals from military service: the problem of the motives of conscripts / K.V. Strevolygin // Science I Relief. Naukovo-prakticheskiy magazine Pidennogo naukova center APN Ukraine. - No. 4. - 2009 - S. 39-43.
- Stvolygin, K.V. Differentiation of the convictions of conscripts who are entitled to alternative civilian service: the psychological aspect of the problem / K.V. Strevolygin // Science I Relief. Naukovo-prakticheskiy magazine Pidennogo naukova center APN Ukraine. - No. 2. - 2010 - S. 50-56.
- Stvolygin, K.V. Religious beliefs of Christians regarding participation in wars: the theoretical aspect of the problem / K.V. Strevolygin // Science I Relief. Naukovo-prakticheskiy magazine Pidennogo naukova center APN Ukraine. - No. 4-5. - 2010 - S. 38-44.
- Stvolygin, K.V. Citizens' Right to Conscientious Objection to Military Service: Topical Problems of Formation in the CIS Countries / K.V. Stvolygin // Bulletin of the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus. - 2010 .-- 2 (20). - S. 187-191.
- Stvolygin K.V. Formation of the Soviet state policy of liberating citizens from military service on religious grounds / K.V. Stvolygin // Scientific works of the republican institute of higher education. Historical and psychological-pedagogical sciences: collection of scientific articles. Issue 11. In two parts. - Part 1. - Minsk: RIVSH, 2011 .-- S. 241-246.
- Stvolygin, K.V. The role of the United State Political Administration in curtailing the practice of liberating Soviet citizens from military service on the basis of religious convictions / K.V. Stvolygin // Bulletin of the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus. - 2011 .-- 2 (22). -FROM. 187-191.
- Stvolygin, K.V. Actual problems of citizens' exercise of the right to choose military or alternative service in the CIS countries / K.V. Strevolygin // Human capital. - 2011. - 11. –S. 88-92.
- Stvolygin, K.V. The nature of refusals of Russian subjects from military service by convictions during the First World War / K.V. Stvolygin // Scientific works of the republican institute of higher education. Historical and psychological-pedagogical sciences: collection of scientific articles. Issue 12. In two parts. - Part 1. - Minsk: RIVSH, 2012 .-- S. 276-282.
- Stvolygin, K.V. Theoretical approaches to the problem of psychological examination of pacifist convictions of conscripts / KV Stvolygin // [Electronic resource] Psychology and law 2012. № 3.
- Stvolygin, K.V. Gender Challenges in Russian History: Military Emancipation of Women / K. V. Stvolygin // Women and Men in the Context of Historical Changes. Materials of the Fifth International Correspondence Scientific Conference of the Russian Association of Researchers of Women's History and the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology. N.N. Miklouho-Maclay RAS. October 4-7, 2012, Tver. - M., 2012.363 p. - S. 61-64.
- Stvolygin, K.V. Alternative civil service in the USSR / K.V. Stvolygin // Scientific works of the republican institute of higher education. Historical and psychological-pedagogical sciences: collection of scientific articles. Issue 13. In two parts. - Part 1. - Minsk: RIVSH, 2013. - S. 322-328.
- Stvolygin, K.V. Stvolygin K.V. Actual problems of post-Soviet religious pacifism // Ethnos. Religion. Society (in the context of interethnic relations). - Krasnodar, 2013 .-- 456 p. - S. 328-338.
- Stvolygin, K.V. Experience in conducting expert examinations of pacifist convictions by the united council of religious communities and groups in the Soviet state / K.V. Stvolygin [Electronic resource] // Psychology and law. 2014. No. 1. URL: http://psyjournals.ru/psyandlaw/2014/n1/68339.shtml (date accessed: 22.06.2014).
- Stvolygin, K.V. Refusals from military service in Russia (XVII-XIX centuries). / K.V. Stvolygin / Actual problems of the humanities and socio-economic sciences. Collection of materials of the Eighth international correspondence scientific and practical conference. At 4 o'clock / Ed. Cand. those. Sciences, Professor Major General M.M. Gorbunov. - M .: Publishing house "Pero"; Volsk: VVIMO, 2014. - Part 1. Actual problems of Russian history and historiography. Actual problems of social and political sciences. - 140 p. - S. 86-89.
- Stvolygin, K.V. Psychological features of the professional formation of military personnel / K.V. Strevolygin / Psychological support of the educational process. Collection of scientific articles. - Issue 4. In 2 parts. - Part 2. - Minsk: RIPO, 2014 .-- S. 218-223.
- Stvolygin, K.V. The right to conscientious objection to military service when recruited by contract. / K.V. Strevolygin. Collection of materials of the IV International Scientific and Practical Conference "Man, Society, State: Legal Dimension in the Modern World." February 27, 2014 Kiev. - Kiev, 2014 .-- S. 143-145.
- Zelenko, II, Stvolygin, K.V. Peculiarities of urgent addiction among civil servants of men and women / I.I. Zelenko, K.V. Strevolygin / Psychological and pedagogical problems of the individual and society / Materials of the International scientific and practical conference (February 20, 2014). - Dnepropetrovsk: Serednyak T.K., 2014 .-- 248 p. - S. 84-86.
- Konopelko, E.V., Stvolygin, K.V. Features of emotional intelligence and subjective feeling of loneliness among Internet-addicted students / E.V. Konopelko, K.V. Strevolygin / Psychological and pedagogical problems of the individual and society / Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference (February 20, 2014). - Dnepropetrovsk: Serednyak T.K., 2014 .-- 248 p. - S. 190-192.
- Stvolygin, K.V. The Role of the United Council of Religious Communities and Groups in the Development of the Institute of Alternative Service in the Soviet State / K.V. Stvolygin // Scientific works of the republican institute of higher education. Historical and psychological-pedagogical sciences: collection of scientific articles. Issue 14. In two parts. - Part 1. - Minsk: RIVSH, 2014 .-- S. 261-267.
- Stvolygin, K.V. Leo Tolstoy on the reform of the Russian army / K.V. Stvolygin / Actual problems of the humanities and socio-economic sciences. Collection of materials of the IX international scientific and practical conference. At 4 o'clock / Ed. Cand. those. Sciences, Professor Major General M.M. Gorbunov. - M .: Publishing house "Pero"; Volsk: VVIMO, 2015. - Part 1. Actual problems of Russian history and historiography. - 156 p. - S. 138-141.
- Stvolygin, K.V. Alternative service and social services for the population: history and prospects of interaction / K.V. Strevolygin // Social protection and personal health in the context of the realization of human rights: science, education, practice [Electronic resource]: materials of the international. scientific-practical Conf., Rep. Belarus, Minsk, 26-27 nov. 2015 / editorial board: E. I. Zborovsky (editor-in-chief) [and others]. - Minsk: BSU, 2016.S. 313-319.
- Stvolygin, K.V. On the issue of using alternative service in the social service system / K.V. Strevolygin // OTiSZ plus [Electronic resource] - Access mode: OTiSZ plus April 2016. www.otsz / by / otisz-plyus.html. - Date of access: 19.06.2016.
- Stvolygin, K.V. On the question of the psychological examination of the pacifist convictions of conscripts / K.V. Strevolygin // Actual problems of psychology and conflictology: collection of articles. scientific. Art. / Ros. state social un-t Branch in Minsk; under scientific. ed. E.V. Samal, N.V. Smirnova. - Minsk: Bestprint, 2016 .-- S 213-215.
- Stvolygin, K.V. The activities of the United State Political Administration to compel religious pacifists to carry out military service in the USSR / K.V. Stvolygin // Scientific works of the republican institute of higher education. Historical and psychological-pedagogical sciences: collection of scientific articles. Issue 16. In two parts. - Part 1. - Minsk: RIVSH, 2016 .-- 347 p. - S. 259-265.
- Stvolygin, K.V. The effectiveness of educational and methodological complexes in the education of specialists in the field of social work / K.V. Strevolygin // Social work in the modern world: interaction of science, education and practice: materials of the VIII International. scientific-practical conf. / ed. O. A. Volkova, E.I. Mozgovoy, D.A. Kulabukhova. - Belgorod: Publishing House "Belgorod" NRU "BelGU", 2016. - Moscow: Publishing house "Pero", 2016. –P. 162-165. [Electronic edition].
- Konstantin V. Stvolygin Netchiks in the Russian Empire (XVI-XVIII centuries) / K.V. Stvolygin // Actual problems of the humanities and socio-economic sciences: Collection of materials of the XI International scientific-practical conference / ed. Cand. ped. Sciences, Assoc. A.V. Nemchininov. - M .: Publishing house "Pero"; Volsk: Type. VVIMO, 2017. - Part 2. Actual problems of Russian history and historiography (L – Y). - 144 p. - S.58-59.
- Stvolygin, K.V. The policy of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic in relation to the exemption from military service on religious grounds of citizens of the RSFSR (1918-1922) / K.V. Stvolygin // Scientific works of the republican institute of higher education. Historical and psychological-pedagogical sciences: collection of scientific articles. Issue 17. In three parts. - Part 2. - Minsk: RIVSH, 2017 .-- 271 p. - S. 31-38.
- Stvolygin, K.V. Business communication and communications: study guide. complex for the specialty: 1-86 01 01 "Social work (in areas)" specialty direction 1-86 01 01-02 "Social work (social and psychological activity)" / K.V. Strevolygin; GIUST BSU, Dept. social work and rehabilitation. - Minsk: GIUST BSU, 2017 .-- 147 p. Access mode: http://elib.bsu.by/handle/123456789/173905. - Bibliography. in the text. Title from the screen. No. 004609062017. Dep. at BSU 09.06.2017.
- Stvolygin, K.V. On the issue of the scientific status of research in social work / K.V. Strevolygin // Forms and methods of social work in various spheres of life: materials of the VI International scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 55th anniversary of the East Siberian State University of Technology and Management (December 7-8, 2017) / ed. ed. Yu.Yu. Shurygin. - Ulan-Ude: VSGUTU Publishing House, 2017 .-- 356 p. S. 278-279.
- Stvolygin, K.V. Actual methodological and methodical problems of education of specialists in the field of social work / K.V. Strevolygin // Social work in the modern world: interaction of science, education and practice: materials of the IX International. scientific-practical Conf., Belgorod, November 27-28, 2017 / Belgorod State National Research University / ed. O. A. Volkova. - Belgorod, 2017.S. 71-76.
- Stvolygin, K.V. Transformation of the state policy of the release of Soviet citizens from military service on religious grounds / K.V. Stvolygin // Actual problems of humanitarian and socio-economic sciences: Collection of materials of the XII International scientific-practical conference dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the Volsk military institute of material support / ed. Cand. ped. Sciences, Assoc. A.V. Nemchininov. - M .: Publishing house "Pero", 2018. - Part 2. - 110 p. S. 83-86.
- Stvolygin, K.V. The Situation of Confessional Groups Denying Military Service in Russia after the Revolution of 1917 / K.V. Stvolygin // International scientific and practical Petersburg readings. To the 100th anniversary of the Great Russian Revolution of 1917: materials of the international scientific and practical conference, November 16-18, 2017. * Text +. At 3 o'clock Part III / Sat. articles. - FGBOU VO "SPbGUPTD", Higher School of Technology and Energy. - SPb .: 2018 .-- 115 p. - S. 43-53.
- Stvolygin, K.V. Methodology and methods of experimental research in psychology: educational and methodological complex for specialties: 1-23 80 03 "Psychology", 1-23 81 04 "Social Psychology". Master of Psychology / K.V. Strevolygin; GIUST BSU, Dept. social work and rehabilitation. - Minsk: GIUST BSU, 2017 .-- 127 p. - Bibliography: p. 126-127. Access mode: http://elib.bsu.by/handle/123456789/193708. Title from screen No. 002402042018. Dep. at BSU 02.04.2018.
- Stvolygin, K.V. Penitentiary and post-penitentiary rehabilitation: electronic educational and methodological complex for specialty 1-86 01 01 "Social work (in areas)" / GIUST BSU, Dept. social work and rehabilitation; comp. K.V. Strevolygin. - Minsk, GIUST BSU, 2018 - 82 p. : tab. - Bibliography: p. 81-82. Access mode: http://elib.bsu.by/handle/123456789/200189. Title from screen No. 005404072018, Dep. at BSU 04.07.2018.
- Stvolygin, K.V. Psychology of aggression and violence: electronic educational and methodological complex for specialty 1-86 01 01 "Social work (in areas)" / GIUST BSU, Dept. social work and rehabilitation; comp. K.V. Strevolygin. - Minsk: GIUST BSU, 2017 - 159 p. : tab. - Bibliography: 144-146. Access mode: http://elib.bsu.by/handle/123456789/200185. Title from screen No. 005304072018, Dep. at BSU 04.07.2018.
- Stvolygin, K.V. Application of information and communication technologies in education: '' growing pains '' / K.V. Strevolygin // Intellectual culture of Belarus: methodological capital of philosophy and the contours of the transdisciplinary synthesis of knowledge: materials of the Third International. scientific. Conf., 15-16 November 2018, Minsk. In 3 volumes. T. III / Institute of Philosophy of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus; editorial board: A. A. Lazarevich (pre.) [and others]. - Minsk: Four quarters, 2018 .-- 298 p. - S. 247-249.
- Stvolygin, K.V. Experiencing loneliness by persons of retirement age / K.V. Strevolygin // Forms and methods of social work in various spheres of life: materials of the VII International scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Department of Social Technologies of the East Siberian State University of Technology and Management (December 6-7, 2018) / otv. ed. Yu.Yu. Shurygin. - Ulan-Ude: VSGUTU Publishing House, 2018 .-- 377 p. S. 284-285.
- Stvolygin, K.V. The problem of the method in modern practical psychology and its refraction in the process of professional training of psychologists / K.V. Stvolygin // Actual problems of practical psychology. Materials of the All-Russian scientific-practical conference with international participation, Tver, December 21, 2018. Tver: LLC "SFK-office", 2018. P. 220-223.
- Stvolygin, K.V. Features of students' experience of loneliness / K.V. Strevolygin // Social work in the modern world: interaction of science, education and practice: materials of the anniversary X International. scientific-practical conf. (November 27-28, 2018, Belgorod) / Under total. ed. K.Yu. The Queen. - Belgorod: LLC Epicenter, 2018. - 348 p. S. 300-303.
- Stvolygin, K.V. Educational-methodical complexes for the second stage of higher education: content aspect / K.V. Strevolygin // Creative components of training specialists of the 2nd stage of higher education: materials of the XV scientific-method. Conf., dedicated to the memory of Professor I. L. Zelenkova, Faculty of Philosophy. and social. sciences BSU, Minsk, March 27, 2019 / ed. E.V.Belyaeva, V.S.Saiganova. - Minsk, BSU, 2019 .-- 78 p. S. 49-51.
- Stvolygin, K.V. Religious sectarians in the Red Army: the history of persecution (1918-1928) / K.V. Stvolygin // Actual problems of the humanities and socio-economic sciences: Collection of materials of the XIII International scientific-practical conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the main military-political body Armed Forces / ed. Cand. ped. Sciences, Assoc. A.V. Nemchininov. - M .: Publishing house "Pero", 2019. - Part 1. - 131 p. S. 17-121.
- Stvolygin, K.V. The position and tasks of the regimental priest after the entry into force of the law on universal service in 1874 / K. V. Stvolygin // Actual problems of the humanities and socio-economic sciences: International electronic scientific journal / Ch. ed. A.V. Nemchininov; ed .: A.S. Mokrousov, [and others]. - M .: Publishing house "Pero"; Volsk: Type. VVIMO, 2020. - No. 1 (72). - 175 p. - S. 101-105.
- Stvolygin, K.V. Conscientious objection and alternative civilian service in Russia / K.V. Strevolygin. - Minsk: BSU, 2020 .-- 247 p.
- Stvolygin, K.V. On the issue of research work in the system of professional training of specialists in the social sphere / K. V. Stvolygin // Actual problems of practical psychology: materials of the International scientific and practical conference, Tver, December 20, 2019 Tver: SFK-office, 2020 .-- 432 p. - S.371-375.
- Stvolygin, K.V. The policy of the Soviet government regarding refusals for religious reasons from military service / K.V. Stvolygin // Church of Martyrs: persecution of faith and the Church in the 20th century: materials of Mizhnar. Sci. conf. (K., 6–7 February 2020) / up-row. S. V. Shumilo; vdp. ed. prot. V. Savelyev. — K.: Vidavnichy edition of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, 2020. — 616 p. – pp. 330-338.
- Stvolygin, K.V. The role of the VIII (V) department of the People's Commissariat of Justice of the RSFSR in the legalization and curtailment of the practice of exempting Soviet citizens from military service for religious reasons / K.V. Stvolygin // Scientific works of the Republican Institute of Higher Education: collection of scientific articles. Vol. 20, part 2: Historical and psychological-pedagogical sciences. - Minsk: RIVSH, 2020. -366 p. - pp. 201-208.
- Stvolygin, K.V. Methodology and research methods in social work: textbook / K.V. Stvolygin. – Minsk: RIVSH, 2021. – 300 p.
- Stvolygin, K.V.V.D. Bonch-Bruevich and religious pacifists /K.V. Stvolygin // Scientific works of the Republican Institute of Higher Education: collection of scientific articles. Release. 21. In four parts. Part 2: Historical and psychological-pedagogical sciences. - Minsk: RIVSH, 2021. -366 p. - pp. 300-306.
- Stvolygin, K.V. Refusals from military service due to convictions and alternative civil service in Russia / K.V. Stvolygin. – Mn.: BSU, 2020. - 247 p.
- Stvolygin, K.V. On the issue of research work in the system of professional training of specialists in the social sphere / K. V. Stvolygin // Current problems of practical psychology: materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference, Tver,
December 20, 2019. Tver: SFK-office, 2020. – 432 p. – P.371-375. - Stvolygin, K.V. V.D. Bonch-Bruevich and religious pacifists / K.V. Stvolygin // Scientific works of the Republican Institute of Higher Education: collection of scientific articles. Release. 21. In four parts. Part 2: Historical and psychological-pedagogical sciences. - Minsk: RIVSH, 2021. -366 p. - pp. 300-306.
- Stvolygin, K. Historiography of the problem of the liberation of citizens from military service for religious beliefs in the soviet period of Russian history / K. Stvolygin // Annali d’Italia. - No. 25. – VOL.2, 2021. – P.21-25.
- Stvolygin, K. Comparative analysis of alternative service institutions in the Russian empire and the Soviet state / K. Stvolygin // Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science. - No. 73. – VOL.2, 2021. – P.16-19.
- Stvolygin, K. Historiography of the problems of pacifist views and conscientious objections to military service in the Russian empire / K. Stvolygin // Znanstvena misel. - No. 60. – VOL.2, 2021. - P. 7-10.
- Stvolygin, K.V. Features of using the “anti-plagiarism” system in the process of preparing theses / K.V. Stvolygin // New trends in the training of specialists in the social and humanitarian fields: a collection of materials from the 19th scientific and methodological conference of the Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences of the Belarusian State University, dedicated to the memory of Professor I. L. Zelenkova, March 31, 2022 / BSU, Faculty. philosophy and social sciences; [editor: N.V. Kurilovich (chief editor), O.G. Shavrova, D.V. Voronovich]. – Minsk: BSU, 2022. – 188 p. -P.156-159.
- Stvolygin, K.V. Military-patriotic education of youth and alternative service of the International scientific and practical conference “Intercultural communication and traditional values in the educational environment of Belarus and Russia” (Minsk, March 31, 2022)
- Stvolygin, K.V. Situational pacifism / K.V. Stvolygin // Concepts, theory and methods of fundamental and applied scientific research: Collection of articles based on the results of the International Scientific and Practical Conference (Taganrog, May 14, 2022). - Sterlitamak: AMI, 2022 - 296 p. – pp. 140-143.
- Stvolygin, K.V. Models of alternative service of the late XIX – early XXI centuries. / K.V. Stvolygin // Historical and psychological-pedagogical sciences: collection of articles. scientific articles. – Minsk: RIVSH, 2022. – (Scientific works of the Republican Institute of Higher Education; Issue 22, part 1: Historical sciences). - Minsk: RIVSH, 2022. -302 p. - pp. 205-212.
- Stvolygin, K.V. Sociocultural development of modern society: patriotism and pacifism in conditions of aggravated military-political situation / K. V. Stvolygin // Academician V. S. Stepin and the research traditions of the Minsk philosophical and methodological school: a collection of scientific articles and materials of the International Scientific Conference in memory of Academician V. S. Stepin and the XVI interdisciplinary scientific and theoretical seminar “Innovative strategies in modern social philosophy”, November 24, 2022, Minsk, Republic of Belarus / BSU, Faculty. Philosophy and Social Sciences, Dept. philosophy and methodology of science, Dept. philosophy of culture; [editor: V. S. Saiganova (chief editor), etc.]. – Minsk: BSU, 2022. – 461 p. - pp. 372-377.
- Stvolygin, K.V. Alternative service in the context of increasing military-political tension / K.V. Stvolygin // Cultural and civilizational crisis in the conditions of the information society: materials of the international scientific and practical conference, Vitebsk, December 2, 2022 / Vitebsk. state University; editorial board: A.A. Lazarevich (chief editor), E.V. Davlyatova, E.I. Rudkovsky. – Vitebsk: VSU named after P.M. Masherova, 2022. – 273 p. – pp. 161-164.
- Stvolygin, K.V. On the issue of socio-psychological adaptation of participants in a special military operation in Ukraine / K.V. Stvolygin // Current problems of practical psychology: materials of the All-Russian scientific and practical conference, Tver, December 9, 2022 / ed. T.A. Popkova, A.V. Antonovsky. M.: YANUS-K, 2022. - 220 p. – P.162-166.
- Stvolygin, K.V. Alternative service in Israel in the context of ensuring the defense capability of the state / K.V. Stvolygin // Rostov Scientific Bulletin. (Humanities Studies). Science Magazine. – Rostov-on-Don: Southern University, - No. 11, 2022. – 90 p. – pp. 19-21.
- Stvolygin, K.V. Social service of faiths within the framework of alternative civil service / K. V. Stvolygin // Strategies for the development of society and social work: Fifth All-Russian scientific and practical conference with international participation (October 10–13, 2022): materials of reports and communications in the form of scientific articles / editorial board: E.V. Serdyukova, L.S. Detochenko, P.Ya. Tsitkilov; South Federal University. – Rostov-on-Don; Taganrog: Southern Federal University Publishing House, 2023. – 318 p. - P. 86-90.
- Stvolygin, K.V. Modern Russian patriotism and the exemption of citizens from military service due to convictions in the context of the aggravation of the military-political situation / K. V. Stvolygin // Greater Eurasia: Development, security, cooperation: materials of the Fifth International Scientific and Practical Conference “Greater Eurasia: National and Civilizational Aspects” development and cooperation." Part 1. Yearbook. Vol. 6. Part 1 / RAS. INION. Dept. scientific cooperation; Rep. ed. IN AND. Gerasimov. – M., 2023. – 696 p. - pp. 669-671.
- Stvolygin, K.V. The problem of information security in the process of teaching social and humanitarian disciplines in higher education / K.V. Stvolygin // Teaching social and humanitarian disciplines in higher education: problems and prospects: collection of materials from the 20th scientific and methodological conference of the Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences of the Belarusian State University, dedicated to the memory of Professor I.L. Zelenkova, March 31, 2023 / BSU, Faculty. philosophy and social sciences; [editor: N.V. Kurilovich (ed.), etc.]. – Minsk: BSU, 2023. – 270 p. – pp. 218-221.
Educational and methodical works:
- Stvolygin, K.V. Alternative service: history and modernity / K.V. Strevolygin. Minsk: MVVPOU, 1991.29 p.
- Stvolygin, K.V. Socio-psychological climate of the military collective. Ways to prevent and overcome conflicts. Educational method. allowance / K.V. Strevolygin. Minsk: MVVKU. 1993 .-- 25 p.
- Stvolygin, K.V. Computer and psychology: computerization of psychodiagnostic examinations / K.V. Strevolygin. Tver: TSU. 2001 .-- 26 p.
- Stvolygin, K.V. Fundamentals of Psychology and Pedagogy. Educational method. allowance. / K.V. Strevolygin. Minsk: Institute of Management and Entrepreneurship, 2002. - 52 p.
- Stvolygin, K.V. Methodology and research methods in social work. Educational method. allowance. / K.V. Strevolygin. Minsk: JSC "Modern Knowledge", 2004. 76 p.
- Stvolygin, K.V. Organization of scientific research in the social sphere. Educational method. allowance. / K.V. Strevolygin. Minsk .: JSC "Propilei", 2005. 68 p.
- Stvolygin, K.V. Test method in diagnosing personality development. / K.V. Stvolygin, V.M. Rostovtseva, N.I. Dimova, O. N. Savitskaya. Minsk: Modern knowledge, 2008 .-- 248 p.
- Stvolygin, K.V. Workshop on disciplines: "Diagnostics and correction of cognitive processes and mental state", "Diagnostics and correction of personality development and interpersonal interaction" / K.V. Stvolygin, V.M. Rostovtseva, N.I. Dimova, O. N. Savitskaya. Minsk: Modern knowledge, 2008. - 92 p.
- Stvolygin, K.V. Teaching materials on the discipline "History of psychology" / K.V. Strevolygin. Minsk: Branch of Ros. State Social. University in Minsk, 2008.45 p.
- Stvolygin, K.V. Teaching materials for the discipline "Content and methods of psychosocial work in the system of social work" / K.V. Strevolygin. Minsk: Branch of Ros. State Social. University in Minsk, 2008.65 p.
- Stvolygin, K.V. Psychology of religion: teaching materials for specialty 030301.65 - "Psychology" / K.V. Strevolygin. Minsk: Branch of Ros. State Social. University in Minsk, 2009.69 p.
- Stvolygin, K.V. Organization of socio-psychological research: teaching aid for specialty 30301.65 - Psychology / K.V. Strevolygin. - Minsk: Branch Ros. state social university in Minsk, 2010. - 85 p.
- Independent cognitive activity of students in training specialists for the social sphere: study guide. manual / N. Ya. Kushnir [and others]; under scientific. ed. N. Ya.Kushnir, N.V. Goltsova. Minsk: RIVSH, 2012.250 p. K.V, Trunk (sections 1.4,3.6,3L2).
- Stvolygin, K. V. Organization of scientific research in the social sphere / K.V. Strevolygin. M .: Direct-Media, 2013. EBS "University Library Online". 37 s.
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