Tereza I. AchynovichSenior Lecturers
She was born on 06.06.1978 in the Grodno region.
In 2000 she graduated with honors from the Faculty of Psychology and Pedagogy of Grodno State University. Y. Kupala, majoring in Psychology. In 2001, she defended her master's thesis on "Features of motivation for creatively working teachers."
In 2010 she graduated from the postgraduate course of BSPU. M. Tanka, specializing in Social Psychology. The theme of the dissertation for the candidate of psychological sciences is “Meaningful life orientations of students with different types of religiosity”.
Since 2013, she worked as a senior lecturer at the Russian State University, since 2018 - at the Belarusian State University.
Combines scientific and practical activities. ICU Certified Coach, Art Therapist, Family Consultant, Personal Performance Trainer. Invited trainer and consultant to a number of Belarusian organizations.
Research Interests:
- psychology of the meaning of life;
- psychology of religion;
- psychology of personal effectiveness;
- business communications;
- psychology of family relationships;
- psychological counseling and therapy.
Teaches the following disciplines:
- “Basics of psychological counseling and psychotherapy (family counseling and psychotherapy)”;
- “Family Psychology”;
- “Psychology of family-marriage relations”;
- “The psychological basis of social work (Social Psychology)”;
- “Business communication and communications”;
- “Current trends in the psychology of communications (master's program)”;
- “Actual problems of family psychology (master's program)”;
- “Actual problems of personality psychology (master's program)”.
The author of more than 80 scientific and educational works, including educational methodological complexes, study guides, articles in scientific journals, abstracts of conferences