Tereza I. AchynovichSenior Lecturers
Google Scholar Citations
- Achinovich, T. I. Family counseling and psychotherapy: a manual / T. I. Achinovich. – Minsk: BSU, 2022. – 199 p.
Educational and methodological works:
- Achinovich, T.I. Psychology of social cognition: educational and methodological manual for specialty 030301.65 “Psychology” / T.I. Achinovich. – Minsk: Branch of Ros. State social University in Minsk, 2012.– 80 p.
- Achinovich, T.I. Pedagogical psychology: educational and methodological manual for specialty 030301.65 “Psychology” / T.I. Achinovich, L.V. Marishchuk, E.V. Sveredyuk. – Minsk: Branch of Ros. State social University in Minsk, 2014.– 99 p.
- Achinovich, T.I. Current problems of family psychology: educational and methodological complex for specialties 1-23 80 03 Psychology and 1-23 81 04 Social psychology / T.I. Achinovich; BSU, Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences. Sciences, Dept. social work and rehabilitation. – Minsk: BSU, 2019. – 87 p.
- Achinovich, T.I. Individual and group counseling: theory and workshop: educational and methodological complex for specialties 1-23 80 03 Psychology and 1-23 81 04 Social psychology / T.I. Achinovich; BSU, Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences. Sciences, Dept. social work and rehabilitation. – Minsk: BSU, 2019. – 157 p.
- Achinovich, T.I. Modern methods of psychotherapy and psychocorrection: educational and methodological complex for specialty 1-23 81 04 Social psychology / T.I. Achinovich; BSU, Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences. Sciences, Dept. social work and rehabilitation. – Minsk: BSU, 2019. – 113 p.
- Achinovich, T.I. Modern trends in the psychology of communications: educational and methodological complex for specialties 1-23 80 03 Psychology and 1-23 81 04 Social psychology / T.I. Achinovich; BSU, Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences. Sciences, Dept. social work and rehabilitation. – Minsk: BSU, 2019. – 82 p.
- Achinovich, T.I. The influence of destructive sects on the mental health and personality of a schoolchild / T.I. Achinovich // Problems of the formation of a schoolchild’s personality in the process of education and upbringing: materials of the rep. scientific-practical conf., Minsk, December 11 – 12, 2002 / BSPU; editorial board: Yu.A. Kolomeytsev (responsible editor) [and others]. – Mn., BSPU, 2003. – P. 76–77.
- Achinovich, T.I. On factors influencing the formation of social attitudes toward religion / T.I. Achinovich // Current problems of psychological and pedagogical research in vocational education: Collection of articles. scientific tr. / under scientific ed. N.Ya. Kushnir, O.S. Popova. – Mn.: RIPO, 2004. – P. 194–202.
- Achinovich, T.I. Formation of personality in youth / T.I. Achinovich // Age, pedagogical and social psychology: a course of lectures / under scientific. ed. Yu.A. Kolomeytseva. – Mn.: BSPU, 2006. – P.86–95.
- Achinovich, T.I. Features of religious activity of student youth / T.I. Achinovich // Commonwealth of Sciences. Baranovichi-2010: abstract. report intl. scientific-practical conf. young researchers, Baranovichi, May 19–20, 2010: at 2 o’clock/RIO BarSU; editorial board: A.V. Nikishova (chief editor) [and others]. – Baranovichi, 2010. – Part 2. – p. 71–73.
- Achinovich, T.I. On the issue of religiosity of students / T.I. Achinovich // Religion and Society – 5: current problems of freedom of conscience: Sat. scientific Art. intl. scientific-practical conf. May 6, 2010 Mogilev / under general. ed. V.V. Starostenko, O.V. Dyachenko. – Mogilev: MSU im. Kuleshova”, 2010. – p. 95–98.
- Achinovich, T.I. Basic approaches to the typology of religiosity / T.I. Achinovich // Social world: the role of youth in solving problems of the 21st century: materials of the VII International. scientific-practical Conf., Minsk, April 28–29, 2010. At 2 p.m. Part 2/ Phil. Ross. state social University in Minsk; editorial board: I.V. Timoshenko (chief editor) – Mn.: RIVSH, 2010. – p. 94–97.
- Achinovich, T.I. Religion as a factor in the formation of a person’s life-meaning orientations / T.I. Achinovich, N.Ya. Kushnir // Spiritual and moral education based on domestic cultural, historical and religious traditions and values: materials of the International. scientific-practical conf., Zhirovichi, May 27, 2010 / Nat. acad. Sciences of Belarus, Institute of Philosophy, Belarus. Exarchate of Moscow Patriarchy of Rus. Orthodox Churches; scientific ed. advice: M.V. Myasnikovich, Eminence Filaret [and others]. – Mn.: Belarus. Navuka, 2010. – pp. 219–221.
- Achinovich, T.I. Comparative analysis of the life-meaning orientations of students with different types of religiosity / T.I. Achinovich // Bulletin of MLSU. Series 2. Pedagogy, psychology, methods of teaching foreign languages. – No. 2 (19). – 2011. – P. 22 – 31.
- Achinovich, T.I. The problem of structural organization of the meaning of life in psychology / T.I. Achinovich, N.Ya. Kushnir // Pedagogy and psychology: problems and solutions: collection of scientific articles Intern. scientific-practical conference, Novosibirsk, December 26, 2011 / NP “Siberian Association of Consultants”; editorial board: N.V. Gutsalova (chief editor). – Novosibirsk: NP “Siberian Association of Consultants”, – 2011. – P. 70-76.
- Achinovich, T.I. The problem of studying the relationship between religiosity and life-meaning orientations of students / T.I. Achinovich // Bulletin of MLSU. Series 2. Pedagogy, psychology, methods of teaching foreign languages. – No. 2 (22). – 2012. – P. 6 – 13.
- Achinovich, T.I. Methods for studying religiosity / T.I. Achinovich // Many voices - one world: Collection of scientific articles by young scientists dedicated to the All-Russian youth scientific psychological conference “Many voices - one world” (psychology in the mirror of an interdisciplinary approach) / ed. prof. A.V. Karpova. – Yaroslavl: NPC “Psychodiagnostics”, 2012. – P. 22 – 25.
- Achinovich, T.I. System of life meanings of students with different types of religiosity / T.I. Achinovich //Psychological problems of the meaning of life and acme: Electronic collection of materials from the XVII Symposium / Ed. G.A. Weiser, N.V. Kiselnikova, T.A. Popova – M.: Federal State Scientific Institution “Psychological Institute RAO”, 2012. – P. 207 – 210.
- Achinovich, T.I. The relationship between religiosity and a person’s experience of a crisis of the meaning of life / T.I. Achinovich, Yu.V. Buslaeva // Social world: the role of youth in solving problems of the 21st century: materials of the IX International. stud. scientific conf. (Minsk, April 17-18, 2012) / Phil. Ross. state social University in Minsk; Editorial: S.A. Poletaev (chief editor) [and others]. –– Minsk: Bestprint, 2012. – P. 159 – 162.Achinovich, T.I. Theoretical approaches to understanding the phenomenology of religiosity in foreign psychology / T.I. Achinovich // Social education: strategies for innovative development: scientific. Articles / Ross. State social university, faculty in Minsk; ed. Col.: S.A. Poletaev (chief editor) [and others]. –– Minsk, 2012. – P. 202 – 209.
- Achinovich, T.I. The problem of professional burnout among aviation security workers with different work experience / A.B. Avhukov, T.I. Achinovich // Social world: the role of youth in solving problems of the 21st century: materials of the IX International. stud. scientific conf. (Minsk, April 17-18, 2012) / Phil. Ross. state social University in Minsk; Editorial: S.A. Poletaev (chief editor) [and others]. –– Minsk: Bestprint, 2012. – P. 75-77.
- Achinovich, T.I. The problem of stress tolerance among the unemployed / T.I. Achinovich, I.V. Volkov // Social world: the role of youth in solving problems of the 21st century: materials of the IX International. stud. scientific conf. (Minsk, April 17-18, 2012) / Phil. Ross. state social University in Minsk; Editorial: S.A. Poletaev (chief editor) [and others]. –– Minsk: Bestprint, 2012. – P. 165-167.
- Achinovich, T.I. Current problems in the study of religiosity in modern Russian psychology / T.I. Achinovich // Yaroslavl Pedagogical Bulletin. Volume II (Psychological and educational sciences). – 2013. – No. 3. – P. 218–222.
- Achinovich, T.I. The meaning-forming function of religion from the position of psychology / T.I. Achinovich // Psychological problems of the meaning of life and acme: Electronic collection of materials from the XVIII Symposium / ed. G.A. Weiser, N.V. Kiselnikova, T.A. Popova – M.: Federal State Scientific Institution “Psychological Institute RAO”, 2013. – P. 106–109.
- Achinovich, T.I. Formation of students’ life-meaning orientations as a factor in the success of professional development / T.I. Achinovich // Systemogenesis of educational and professional activities: materials of the VI international scientific and practical conference, November 19-21, 2013, Yaroslavl / ed. prof. Yu.P. Povarenkova. – Yaroslavl: Chancellor Publishing House, 2013. – P. 109 – 111.
- Achinovich, T.I. The relationship between job satisfaction and achievement motivation among workers / T.I. Achinovich, O. Divitskaya // Social world: the role of youth in solving the problems of the 21st century: materials of the X International. stud. scientific conf. (Minsk, April 17-18, 2013) / Phil. Ross. state social University in Minsk; Editorial: S.A. Poletaev (chief editor) [and others]. –– Minsk: Bestprint, 2013. – P. 54-56.
- Achinovich, T.I. Psychological concepts of understanding the meaning of life / T.I. Achinovich // Social policy and sociology. – 2013. – No. 5-2 (99). – pp. 118-132.
- Achinovich, T.I. Sources of the meaning of life and the experience of a life-meaning crisis among believers and non-believers / T.I. Achinovich, Yu.V. Buslaeva. // Psychology of the meaning of life: methodological, theoretical and applied problems: collection. scientific Art. / Grodno State University named after. Ya. Kupala; scientific editor: V.E. Chudnovsky, K.V. Karpinsky. – Grodno: GrSU, 2014. – P. 224-241.
- Achinovich, T.I. The relationship between perfectionism and urgent dependence in athletes / T.I. Achinovich, N.G. Veremeychik // Systemogenesis of educational and professional activities: collection of scientific works of the VII All-Russian scientific and practical. Conf., October 20-22, 2015, Yaroslavl. – Yaroslavl: Chancellor Publishing House, 2015. – P. 138-141.
- Achinovich, T.I. The relationship between religiosity and dispositional hope among high school students / T.I. Achinovich, O.A. Turusheva // Social world: the role of youth in solving problems XXI: materials of the XII International. stud. scientific conf. (Minsk April 17-18, 2015) / Phil. Ross. state social University in Minsk; Editorial: S.A. Poletaev (chief editor) [and others]. – Minsk: Bestprint, 2016. – P. 154-156.
- Achinovich, T.I. Features of the manifestation of procrastination in students and methods of its correction / T.I. Achinovich, E.V. Dovnar // Social world: the role of youth in solving problems XXI: materials of the XII International. stud. scientific conf. (Minsk April 17-18, 2015) / Phil. Ross. state social University in Minsk; Editorial: S.A. Poletaev (chief editor) [and others]. – Minsk: Bestprint, 2016. – P. 229-230.
- Achinovich, T.I. Coping strategies and resilience among law enforcement officers / A.A. Akrutny, T.I. Achinovich // IV All-Russian Science Festival. XVIII International Conference of Students, Postgraduate Students and Young Scientists “Science and Education” (April 21–25, 2014): In 5 volumes – Vol. III: Pedagogy and psychology. Part 2: Psychology. Advertising. Public relations; FSBEI HPE "Tomsk State Pedagogical University". – Tomsk: TSPU Publishing House, 2014. – P. 7–11.
- Achinovich, T.I. Life-meaning crisis among spouses during the birth of their first child / T.I. Achinovich, A.N. Sechko // Social world: the role of youth in solving problems XXI: materials of the XII International. stud. scientific conf. (Minsk April 17-18, 2014) / Phil. Ross. state social University in Minsk; Editorial: S.A. Poletaev (chief editor) [and others]. – Minsk: Bestprint, 2015. – P.49-51.
- Achinovich, T.I. Meaningfulness of life as a factor in a person’s psychological well-being / T.I. Achinovich // Quality of human life in an unstable world. XV International Social Congress. Materials of speeches - M.: Publishing house RGSU "Soyuz", 2016. - P. 722-731.
- Achinovich, T.I. Communicative competence and reflection among student psychologists / T.I. Achinovich // Conflicts in the modern world: international, state and interpersonal dimensions: Proceedings of the V International Scientific Conference. Saratov, April 8, 2016 / Yu. O. Bronnikova, L. V. Myasnikova, T. G. Firsova (responsible editor). – M.: Pero Publishing House, 2016. – P. 701-706.
- Achinovich, T.I. Formation of creative potential of personality among students / T.I. Achinovich // Current problems of psychology and conflictology: collection. scientific Art. / Ross. state social University Branch in Minsk; under scientific ed. E.V. Samal, N.V. Smirnova. – Minsk: Bestprint, 2016. – pp. 11-13.
- Achinovich, T.I. Religiosity and moral values of the individual / T.I. Achinovich, M.V. Gurinovich // Current problems of psychology and conflictology: collection. scientific Art. / Ross. state social University Branch in Minsk; under scientific ed. E.V. Samal, N.V. Smirnova. – Minsk: Bestprint, 2016. – P. 22 – 23.
- Achinovich, T.I. Psychosocial rehabilitation of people who have been in the conflict zone / T.I. Achinovich, N.Yu. Kampe // Current problems of psychology and conflictology: collection. scientific Art. / Ross. state social University Branch in Minsk; under scientific ed. E.V. Samal, N.V. Smirnova. – Minsk: Bestprint, 2016. – P. 96 – 97.
- Achinovich, T.I. Religious activity of modern students / T.I. Achinovich, M.V. Gurinovich // Education in an ethno-multicultural environment: status, problems, prospects: Materials of the VI International Youth Scientific and Cultural Forum (March 21–23, 2016) / Under scientific. ed. L.V. Akhmetova. – Tomsk: Publishing house of Tomsk State Pedagogical University, 2016. – P. 95-96.
- Achinovich, T.I. Features of the emotional sphere of women subjected to domestic violence / T.I. Achinovich, V.I. Shtanyuk // Education in an ethno-multicultural environment: status, problems, prospects: Materials of the VI International Youth Scientific and Cultural Forum (March 21–23, 2016) / Under scientific. ed. L.V. Akhmetova. – Tomsk: Publishing house of Tomsk State Pedagogical University, 2016. – pp. 122-123.
- Achinovich, T.I. Moral values as the basis for the formation of the personality of a modern specialist / T.I. Achinovich, M.V. Gurinovich // Ensuring border security and protecting the State Border of the Republic of Belarus: theory and practice: collection. abstract report 6th scientific-practical conf. At 2 hours. Part 1 / editorial. : A.E. Vinogradov [and others]. – Minsk: State Educational Institution “IPS RB”, 2016. – P. 321-324.
- Achinovich, T.I. Ideas about family life and role behavior of spouses in adolescence / T. I. Achinovich, V. M. Turk // All-Russian science festival NAUKA 0+. XXI International Conference of Students, Postgraduate Students and Young Scientists “Science and Education” (Tomsk, April 17–21, 2017): In 5 volumes. T. III: Pedagogy and psychology. Part 2: Psychology. Advertising. Public relations. Science and education in a multi-ethnocultural environment / Tomsk State Pedagogical University. – Tomsk: Publishing house Tom. state ped. Univ., 2017. – P. 119 – 121.
- Achinovich, T.I. Role expectations and aspirations in marriage and satisfaction with marriage in families of different types / T. I. Achinovich, N. N. Kozel // Social world: the role of youth in solving problems of the 21st century: materials of the XIII International. scientific-practical conf. study, student and young. research (Minsk, April 26, 2017) / Ross. state social univ. Phil. in Minsk; Editorial: S.A. Poletaev (chief editor) [and others]. – Minsk: Bestprint, 2017. – P. 248-250.
- Achinovich, T.I. The relationship between child-parent relationships and ideas about the distribution of roles in the family among boys and girls / T. I. Achinovich, V. M. Turk // Social world: the role of youth in solving the problems of the 21st century: materials of the XIII International. scientific-practical conf. study, student and young. research (Minsk, April 26, 2017) / Ross. state social univ. Phil. in Minsk; Editorial: S.A. Poletaev (chief editor) [and others]. – Minsk: Bestprint, 2017. – P. 261-264.
- Achinovich, T.I. Features of value orientations of spouses at different stages of marriage / T.I. Achinovich, I.V. Titovets // Social world: the role of youth in solving problems of the 21st century: materials of the XIII International. scientific-practical conf. study, student and young. research (Minsk, April 26, 2017) / Ross. state social univ. Phil. in Minsk; Editorial: S.A. Poletaev (chief editor) [and others]. – Minsk: Bestprint, 2017. –P. 259-261.
- Achinovich, T.I. Causes of conflicts in organizations / T.I. Achinovich, O.V. Okunevich // Social world: the role of youth in solving problems of the 21st century: materials of the XIII International. scientific-practical conf. study, student and young. research (Minsk, April 26, 2017) / Ross. state social univ. Phil. in Minsk; Editorial: S.A. Poletaev (chief editor) [and others]. – Minsk: Bestprint, 2017. – P. 268-270.
- Achinovich, T.I. The relationship between value orientations, spiritual abilities and motivation for professional activity among student psychologists / T.I. Achinovich, N. A. Novoselskaya // Current problems of legal, economic and human sciences: materials of the VIII International. scientific Conf., Minsk, April 24, 2018 / ed. count S.F. Sokol [and others]. – Minsk: BIP, 2018. – P. 109-111.
- Achinovich, T.I. To the question of the intellectual development of adolescents / A.O. Bryzgalova, T.I. Achinovich // Current problems of legal, economic and human sciences: materials of the VIII International. scientific Conf., Minsk, April 24, 2018 / ed. count S.F. Sokol [and others]. – Minsk: BIP, 2018. – P. 43-44.
- Achinovich, T.I. The role of empathy in the formation of friendships among adolescents / Yu.N. Davydova, T.I. Achinovich // Current problems of legal, economic and human sciences: materials of the VIII International. scientific Conf., Minsk, April 24, 2018 / ed. count S.F. Sokol [and others]. – Minsk: BIP, 2018. – P. 61-62.
- Achinovich, T.I. Correction of anxiety in children with general speech underdevelopment / Yu.N. Durmaz, T.I. Achinovich // Current problems of legal, economic and human sciences: materials of the VIII International. scientific Conf., Minsk, April 24, 2018 / ed. count S.F. Sokol [and others]. – Minsk: BIP, 2018. – P. 69-70.
- Achinovich, T.I. Verbal imagination and creativity in middle school age / Ya.D. Mukhortova, T.I. Achinovich // Current problems of legal, economic and human sciences: materials of the VIII International. scientific Conf., Minsk, April 24, 2018 / ed. count S.F. Sokol [and others]. – Minsk: BIP, 2018. – P. 107-108.
- Achinovich, T.I. The relationship between value orientations, spiritual abilities and motivation for professional activity among student psychologists / N. A. Novoselskaya, T. I. Achinovich // Current problems of legal, economic and human sciences: materials of the VIII International. scientific Conf., Minsk, April 24, 2018 / ed. count S.F. Sokol [and others]. – Minsk: BIP, 2018. – P. 109-110.
- Achinovich, T.I. The problem of the meaning of life in domestic psychology / K.A. Parfenova, T.I. Achinovich // Current problems of legal, economic and human sciences: materials of the VIII International. scientific Conf., Minsk, April 24, 2018 / ed. count S.F. Sokol [and others]. – Minsk: BIP, 2018. – P. 113-114.
- Achinovich, T.I. Social and psychological adaptation of adolescents from single-parent and dysfunctional families / M.A. Romanenko, T.I. Achinovich // Current problems of legal, economic and human sciences: materials of the VIII International. scientific Conf., Minsk, April 24, 2018 / ed. count S.F. Sokol [and others]. – Minsk: BIP, 2018. – P. 123-124.
- Achinovich, T.I. Features of child-parent relationships in adolescence / I. D. Serguts, T. I. Achinovich // Current problems of legal, economic and human sciences: materials of the VIII International. scientific Conf., Minsk, April 24, 2018 / ed. count S.F. Sokol [and others]. – Minsk: BIP, 2018. – P. 130-131.
- Achinovich, T.I. The relationship between self-esteem and adaptability in primary schoolchildren / Yu.A. Khodanenok, T.I. Achinovich // Current problems of legal, economic and human sciences: materials of the VIII International. scientific Conf., Minsk, April 24, 2018 / ed. count S.F. Sokol [and others]. – Minsk: BIP, 2018. – P. 146-147.
- Achinovich, T.I. Child-parent relationships as a factor in the formation of ideas about the distribution of roles in the family among boys and girls / V.M. Turok, T.I. Achinovich // Collection of scientific works of students of the Republic of Belarus “NIRS-2017” / editorial coll.: V.A. Bogush [and others]. – Minsk: Publishing house. BSU Center, 2018. – pp. 404-405.
- Achinovich, T.I. Socio-psychological work on the formation of communication skills in adolescents brought up in a social shelter / T.I. Achinovich // Philosophy and social sciences in the modern world: materials of the International. scientific conf. to the 30th anniversary of the faculty. philosophy and social Sciences Belarus. state University, Minsk, September 26–27, 2019 / editorial board: V.F. Gigin (prev.) [and others]. – Minsk: BSU, 2019. – P. 389-393.
- Achinovich, T.I. Socio-psychological program for the correction of anxiety in mothers raising children with disabilities / T.I. Achinovich, O.I. Dibrova // Modern problems of social, humanitarian and legal sciences: theory, methodology, practice: materials of the International. scientific-practical Conf., October 18, 2019 / ed. E.V. Korolyuk. – Tikhoretsk: Phil. FSBEI HE "KubSU" in Tikhoretsk, 2019. – pp. 26-30.
- Achinovich, T.I. Young people’s ideas about the role of religion / T.I. Achinovich // Axiological measurement of the lifestyle of modern youth: materials of the International. scientific-practical online conference, Vitebsk, December 6, 2019 – Vitebsk: VSU named after P.M. Masherova, 2019 – pp. 48-50.
- Achinovich, T.I. Formation of conscious professional choice among high school students / T.I. Achinovich, D.D. Borovikova, D.V. Verutina // Specifics and prospects of career guidance for schoolchildren and students of social and humanitarian profile: collection of scientific and methodological materials XVII scientific methods. conf. Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences Sciences of the Belarusian State University, March 31, 2020 / BSU, Faculty. philosophy and social sciences; [comp. O. V. Kurbacheva]. – Minsk: BSU, 2020. – pp. 6-8.
- Achinovich, T.I. Attitude to sports and a healthy lifestyle among students / T.I. Achinovich, A.P. Zakharkevich // Current problems of legal, economic and socio-psychological knowledge: theory and practice: materials of the IV International scientific and practical. conf., Donetsk, May 14, 2020 – In 3 volumes - Vol.3: Section 4: Legal psychology and legal consciousness of the individual; Section 5: Social and psychological problems of personality development. - State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Donbass Law Academy" / Responsible. Ed.: Ph.D., Associate Professor. Yu.A. Belikova – Donetsk, “Digital Printing House”, 2020. – P. 102-105.
- Achinovich, T.I. Characteristics of the moral sphere of personality of student psychologists in a situation of moral choice / T.I. Achinovich // Human psychology in education. – Electronic journal of the Institute of Psychology of the Russian State Pedagogical University. A. I. Herzen. – St. Petersburg, 2020. – pp. 220-229.
- Achinovich, T.I. Life-meaning crisis in elderly people / T.I. Achinovich // Spring of autumn - about the quality of life of older people: in 2 volumes. T.2. Spring autumn. Selected problems of elderly people / editorial board: T. I. Achinovich [et al.]. – Lublin: Scientific publishing house Innovatio Press, 2021. – P. 41-48.
- Achinovich, T.I. Attitude to sports and a healthy lifestyle among students / T.I. Achinovich, A.P. Zakharkevich // Current problems of legal, economic and socio-psychological knowledge: theory and practice: materials of the IV International scientific and practical. conf., Donetsk, May 14, 2020 – In 3 volumes - Vol.3: Section 4: Legal psychology and legal consciousness of the individual; Section 5: Social and psychological problems of personality development. - State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Donbass Law Academy" / Responsible. Ed.: Ph.D., Associate Professor. Yu.A. Belikova – Donetsk, “Digital Printing House”, 2020. – P. 102-105.
- Achinovich, T.I. The relationship between personal characteristics and value orientations among students who use social networks / T.I. Achinovich, V.S. Brovkina // Social-pedagogical and medical-psychological support for personality development in ontogenesis: collection of articles. materials international scientific-practical conf., Brest, May 20, 2020 / Brest. state University named after A. S. Pushkin; Editorial Board: E. A. Bai [etc.]. – Brest: BrGU, 2020. – P. 8-14.
- Achinovich, T.I. Stress resistance and communicative aggressiveness of medical workers / T.I. Achinovich, M.N. Sakovich // Social-pedagogical and medical-psychological support for personality development in ontogenesis: collection. materials international scientific-practical conf., Brest, May 20, 2020 / Brest. state University named after A. S. Pushkin; Editorial Board: E. A. Bai [etc.]. – Brest: BrGU, 2020. – P. 144-147.
- Achinovich, T.I. Sources of meaning in life among elderly people / T.I. Achinovich, E.S. Drak // Vectors of Psychology 2020: electronic collection of materials International. scientific-practical conf. June 25, 2020 – Gomel State University named after. F. Skorina; editorial board: T.G. Shatyuk [and others]. – Gomel: State University named after F. Skorina, 2020. – P. 155-158.
- Borovikova, D.D. Features of marriage and family attitudes of student youth / D.D. Borovikova, T.I. Achinovich // Social psychology: issues of theory and practice: materials of the 6th International Scientific and Practical Conference in memory of M.Yu. Kondratieva, May 12-13, 2021 Moscow / Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education MSUPE. – Moscow: Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education MGPPU, 2021. – pp. 81–83.
- Achinovich, T.I. Life-meaning crisis in elderly people / T.I. Achinovich // Spring of autumn - about the quality of life of older people: in 2 volumes. T.2. Spring autumn. Selected problems of elderly people / editorial board: V. Kovalsky, T. Achinovich [etc.]. – Lublin: Scientific publishing house Innovatio Press, 2021. – P. 41-48.
- Achinovich, T.I. Depression in older people: anxiety symptoms and ways to overcome / A. Kalinina, T.I. Achinovich // Spring of autumn - about the quality of life of older people: in 3 volumes. T.3. Spring autumn. Selected aspects of life satisfaction in older people / editorial board: V. Kovalsky, T. Achinovich [et al.]. Lublin: Scientific publishing house Innovatio Press, 2021. – P. 203209.
- Achinovich, T.I. Narrative practice in overcoming the life-meaning crisis in older people / T.I. Achinovich // Spring of autumn - about the quality of life of older people: in 3 volumes. T.3. Spring autumn. Selected aspects of life satisfaction in older people / editorial board: V. Kovalsky, T. Achinovich [et al.]. Lublin: Scientific publishing house Innovatio Press, 2021. – P. 249259.
- Achinovich, T.I. Help for people who have lost their jobs / T.I. Achinovich // Helping people in crises. – Korosten: Triad-s, 2021. – P. 10-36.
- Achinovich, T.I. Help for refugees/forced migrants / T.I. Achinovich // Helping people in crises. – Korosten: Triad-s, 2021. – P. 106-128.
- Achinovich, T.I. Social and psychological assistance to women subject to domestic violence / T.I. Achinovich, T.M. Sevko // Innovative social and psychological technologies: from theory to practice: materials of the International. scientific-practical Festival of the Department of Social Work and Rehabilitation Science, Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences of the Belarusian State University, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the university, November 20, 2021 / BSU, Faculty. philosophy and social sciences; [editor: N.N. Krasovskaya (ed.), D.V. Voronovich, E.I. Klimushko]. – Minsk: BSU, 2021. pp. 11-18.
- Achinovich, T.I. Parental attitudes as a factor in the formation of self-esteem and emotional well-being of children of senior preschool age / T.I. Achinovich, M.A. Nesterovich // [Electronic resource]. Posted in the Online publication about education “School Today. RF". Link to publication: https://shkolasegodnya.rf/articles/18118.
- Achinovich, T.I. Life values and marital satisfaction among spouses in first and second marriages / T.I. Achinovich, S.V. Kvetko // [Electronic resource]. Posted in the Online publication about education “School Today. RF" (Material No. 16365; Electronic number FS77-62284). Link to publication: https://shkolasegodnya.rf/articles/16430.