Google Scholar Citations
- Kashevar, A. A. Project “NEVISIBLE” / A. A. Kashevar // Man. Culture. Society: materials of the 16th annual scientific conference of undergraduate and graduate students, April 25, 2019, Minsk / BSU, Faculty. philosophy and social sciences; [editor: G. A. Fofanova (chief editor) and others] - Minsk: BSU, 2019. - P. 35-38.
- Kashevar, A. A. Development of the project “NEVISIBLE” / A. A. Kashevar // Current issues of modern social and humanitarian research: collection of scientific articles of participants of the XXVI Republican competition of scientific works of students / BSU, Faculty. philosophy and social sciences; [editor: G. A. Fofanova (chief editor) and others]. – Minsk: BSU, 2020. – P. 58-64.
- Kashevar, A. A. Development of a project aimed at combating the spread of the COVID-19 virus / A. A. Kashevar // Man. Culture. Society: collection of scientific articles of the 17th annual scientific conference of students and graduate students of the Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences of the Belarusian State University, April 23, 2020, Minsk / BSU, Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences; [editor: G. A. Fofanova (chief editor) and others]. – Minsk: BSU, 2020. – P. 304-308.
- Kashevar A. A. Project-based teaching method as a factor promoting the development of creativity and perseverance / A. A. Kashevar // Innovative socio-psychological technologies: from theory to practice: collection of materials from the International Scientific and Practical Festival of the Department of Social Work and Rehabilitation, Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences Sciences of the Belarusian State University, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the university, November 20, 2021 / BSU, Faculty. philosophy and social sciences; [editorial team: N. N. Krasovskaya (chief editor), D. V. Voronovich, E. I. Klimushko]. – Minsk: BSU, 2021. – P. 112-118.
- Kashevar, A. A. Project-based teaching method as a way to develop the socio-psychological characteristics of a student’s personality / A. A. Kashevar // Psychology of personality development in the education system: problems and prospects: materials of the XXI International. student scientific-practical Conf., Minsk, April 20. 2021 / Belarus. state ped. University named after M. Tanka; Editorial Board: Yu. A. Poleshchuk (chief editor) [and others]. – Minsk: BSPU, 2021. – pp. 12-14.
- Kashevar, A. A. Comparative analysis of socio-psychological characteristics of personality in project-based and traditional teaching methods [Electronic resource] / A. A. Kashevar // LOMONOSOV. – Access date: 05/14/2021.
- Kashevar, A. A. The effectiveness of using the project-based teaching method in teaching academic disciplines / A. A. Kashevar // New trends in the training of social and humanitarian specialists: collection of materials from the 19th scientific method. conf. Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences of the Belarusian State University, dedicated to the memory of Professor I. L. Zelenkova, March 31, 2022 / BSU, Faculty. philosophy and social sciences; [editor: N.V. Kurilovich (chief editor), O.G. Shavrova, D.V. Voronovich]. – Minsk: BSU, 2022. – P. 70-73.
- Kashevar A. A. Factors in the formation of eating disorders / A. A. Kashevar // Innovative socio-psychological technologies: from theory to practice: collection of materials from the International Scientific and Practical Festival of the Department of Social Work and Rehabilitation, Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences, Belarusian State University, November 17, 2023 / BSU, Faculty. philosophy and social sciences; [editorial team: N. N. Krasovskaya (chief editor), E. S. Makeeva, A. A. Kashevar, E. I. Klimushko]. – Minsk: BSU, 2023. – P. 156-161.
- Kashevar, A.A. Project-based teaching method in preparing students of the specialty “Social work” / A.A. Cook // Modern technologies of social work: from theory to practice: collective monograph / rep. ed. N.N. Krasovskaya. – Minsk: BSU, 2023. – P. 199-211.
- Kashevar, A.A. Technology of project-based learning as a way to develop persistence and organizational abilities among students / A.A. Cook // Teaching social and humanitarian disciplines in higher education: problems and prospects: materials of the XX Scientific Methods Conf. Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences of BSU, dedicated to the memory of Professor I.L. Zelenkova, March 31, 2023 / BSU, Faculty. philosophy and social sciences. – Minsk; [editor: N.V. Kurilovich (chief editor), O.G. Shavrova, Yu. Yu. Gafarova, O. V. Konkova]. – Minsk: BSU, 2023. – P. 108-111.